Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 924 Xia Yangyang slowly closed her eyes...

Everything seems to have finally quieted down.

Xia Yangyang found that there was nothing serious about him.

Although the back felt severe pain.

It seemed to be hit by something.

But after all, her consciousness is still sober.

she is alive!

Xia Yangyang's first reaction was to lose sight of Xiao Yunguo in his arms.

Thankfully, Xiao Yunguo was not injured.

It's just that she seemed frightened.

The body is stiff and the expression is fearful.

Xia Yangyang comforted her: "Xiao Yunguo, it's all right, it's all right, don't be afraid."

Xiao Yunguo suddenly said: "Blood, your forehead..."

Xia Yangyang reached out and touched it.

Hands are full of warm blood.

He must have just been hit on the head by a falling rock.

Xia Yangyang looked at the blood on his hand and felt a little dizzy for a moment.

She simply wrapped it with a silk scarf.

Xia Yangyang wanted to go out.

But found that now their situation can't get out at all.

She was hiding in a corner.

Because a huge slab fell down, a closed triangular space was formed.

This space is very small, but Xia Yangyang curled up and escaped.

But because of this, she was also buried in the collapsed building.

It was impossible to even stand up, let alone get out.

The only way now is to wait for rescue.

Xia Yangyang believed that someone would come over soon.

But Xia Yangyang muttered about the difficulty of rescue.

the whole building collapsed

They are almost buried at the bottom.

To save them, almost a mountain had to be moved.

And there is no way to accurately position the current position.

Moreover, rescue forces and props are limited.

Rescue teams outside are still working on the mountain.

Xia Yangyang could only stay inside.

I just felt dizzy for a while.

Xia Yangyang felt very sleepy and just wanted to sleep.

The surrounding is very quiet.

But gradually his consciousness became blurred, and he seemed to hear a lot of voices.

Xia Yangyang seemed to hear someone calling his name.

She wanted to respond, but no sound came out of her throat.

Xia Yangyang didn't know how long he stayed in that closed corner.

Anyway, when he was in a daze, he seemed to be carried out by someone.

Xia Yangyang saw a face.

It was Gu Chaohan.

He kept talking in her ear, calling her name.

But Xia Yangyang smelled blood.

Xia Yangyang was really sleepy.

Slowly close your eyes.

When Xia Yangyang woke up, it was said that a day and a night had passed.

When he opened his eyes, he was still in the medical room.

Xia Yangyang wanted to sit up, but he had no strength.

Zhu Xiaorong sat next to Xia Yangyang.

Seeing Xia Yangyang wake up, he quickly stood up: "Boss, you're awake, how do you feel, are you still dizzy, don't you want to vomit?"

Xia Yangyang felt powerless, but still shook his head slowly.

Xia Yangyang seemed to have thought of something suddenly: "Where's Xiao Yunguo?"

Zhu Xiaorong sighed: "You are just too kind, until now you only think about other people's comfort, that child is fine, and is eating now, since you fell into a coma until now, that child has been staying by your side, not talking, saying It's pitiful to wake up, her parents are gone."

Hearing that Xiao Yunguo was fine, Xia Yangyang was finally relieved.

Xia Yangyang closed her eyes, and then asked, "How long have I been buried?"

Zhu Xiaorong had already brought a bowl of rice porridge over, and said, "Boss, don't ask me anything else. You haven't eaten for a long time, so drink this bowl of porridge first. Boss Bai cooked it for you. In this situation, it took a lot of effort."

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