Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 934 She wants to see Xia Ye

Gu Mingzhu sighed deeply: "Don't say anything. I don't blame you. In fact, you don't need to promise me anything. It's my selfishness that you ruined the lives of my two sons. It's not something you can control, you've done a good job and they won't let go."

Xia Yangyang didn't expect Gu Mingzhu to say such a thing.

For a while, I was a little overwhelmed.

Gu Mingzhu sat beside Xia Yangyang, and then took Xia Yangyang's hand: "Yangyang, if you can't figure out a lot of things, don't think about it, just let it be, I've gone through so much, I can see it, children and grandchildren You have your own children and grandchildren, even if the two of them will turn against each other one day in the future, it is something that cannot be controlled. It is not that I will not let you see any of them, so it will not happen. The problem is not with you, but with the two of them. In addition to a paranoid personality, after all, they are all like me."

Gu Mingzhu said, with a wry smile.

His two sons really completely inherited her paranoia.

She was always afraid that they would go their own way.

But there is a theorem in this world called Murphy's theorem.

The more fearful things are, the more likely they will happen.

Gu Mingzhu said: "In the future, you can live as you want. I will not interfere with you, and you don't have to worry about the old man. If you really want to be with Xiaohan, don't think about that secular life."

Xia Yangyang was really astonished.

What exactly did Gu Chaohan say to Gu Mingzhu, and she would say such things to her.

Gu Mingzhu was helpless: "You must want to know why my attitude towards you has changed so quickly."

Xia Yangyang looked at Gu Mingzhu.

"Actually Xiaohan is right. I prefer Gu Qichen from the bottom of my heart, because he is the child of the life I love with me, and because I have always been ashamed that Achen has no father since he was born, and even his own biological father has no father." I have never seen it before, and I have been criticized for living in such a family since I was a child."

Xia Yangyang also sighed heavily when he heard this.

In fact, even an outsider can see it.

Gu Mingzhu has always attached the most importance to Gu Qichen in her eyes.

Just looking at Gu Qichen's eyes is slightly different from looking at Gu Zhaohan.

Gu Mingzhu continued: "But when I knew that he went to Huai'an to find you regardless of his life because you lost a hand, then I realized that his love for you is absolutely no less than that of Ah Chen. I never thought about it from his point of view, I didn't really understand his heart, his desire, I failed too much as a mother, and the only thing I can do now is to stop interfering with the two of them."

Xia Yangyang wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Because I just feel powerless.

Between her and Gu Zhaohan, everyone can naturally see it after a long time.

As for Gu Chaohan's paranoia towards him...

Xia Yangyang didn't know what to do for a while.

It can only be like what she said, as friends at that time, as if you were in the United States.

Xia Yangyang stayed in the hospital in Jiangcheng for half a month.

Half a month later, Gu Chaohan was discharged from the hospital, and they returned to Fengcheng together.

In this half month.

Xia Yangyang saw all kinds of people.

Even Xi's retainers came to see Gu Chaohan.

But since that parting, Xia Yangyang never saw Gu Qichen again.

It took a long time for Gu Chaohan's hand to recover, and it was fixed with a bracket and could not move.

But he also seems to have gotten used to living with one hand.

Xia Yangyang's half-month vacation is coming soon.

Xia Yangyang postponed her leave for a few days and wanted to see Xia Ye.

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