Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 444: You are late (2)

Su Zhixi's eyes nodded blinkingly.

He chuckled and hugged her in his arms again, with a low sigh with indescribable satisfaction.

Su Zhixi also cleverly rubbed into his arms.

But soon, the man's body stiffened, and then a slightly cool voice came from above his head: "Mr. Ning, why are you here?"

Su Zhixi thought of Ning Yichen's existence. He quickly raised his head and tried to explain to him, but He Jingyao was pressed into his arms again, and even wrapped her directly in her coat.

Ning Yichen stood not far away, and already had a panoramic view of the kiss between them.

Perhaps the reality has been accepted, so after the heartache was extreme, he was numb. After the numbness, he saw more clearly. For Su Zhixi, only He Jingyao was in her eyes.

Hearing He Jingyao's questioning, he smiled faintly: "I just passed by and saw Zhi Xi alone here, so I accompanied her."

"Thank you." He Jingyao said coldly, without any hint of gratitude. "But since I have already come, I will not leave Mr. Ning."

Ning Yichen clenched her fists, and finally laughed at herself: "Okay, I won't bother."

Since He Jingyao has the courage to leave Mr. President's table halfway, at least it means that he is sincere about Zhi Xi...

Ning Yichen told himself this, and completely suppressed the last trace of unwillingness.

Just seeing Su Zhixi held firmly in the arms by He Jingyao, he finally couldn't help but leave a sentence: "Zhi Xi, thank you for your bean curd, I like it very much."

He Jingyao's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and Su Zhixi shuddered in his arms.

She had planned to say hello to Ning Yichen, but now... she still keeps pretending to be an ostrich.

Ning Yichen smiled and left the restaurant.

It's just that giving up doesn't mean you won't feel heartache, on the contrary... just because you decide to give up, the pain will double. His body is cold and hot, just like his heart, he is suffering from the two days of ice and fire!


It wasn't until Ning Yichen's footsteps completely disappeared that Su Zhixi raised her head tremblingly from someone's arms and whispered, "I really don't know why he came..."

He Jingyao's eyes were dark, and this love rival really found an opportunity to dig in the corner. I'm afraid Ning Yichen got the news and came over purposely.

So, Su Zhixi certainly knew why he was late.

But she didn't seem to plan to ask, as if she had been there, she was already very satisfied.

He Jingyao felt a little sour in his heart, and reached out and squeezed her face: "Have you eaten?"

Su Zhixi nodded halfway, and quickly shook his head: "No... I didn't eat, I put on my stomach."

She looked at Li Bo next to her for help.

Li Bo received her gaze and nodded seriously: "Young Master, Young Lady has been waiting for you. Just..."

He Jingyao looked at him: "What's wrong?"

"You left midway, I'm afraid Mr. President..." Li Bo said worriedly.

He Jingyao interrupted him politely: "I don't want to listen to your preaching." After he finished speaking, he held Su Zhixi and went to the restaurant.

Uncle Li had no choice but to exchange a helpless look with Adam standing at the door.

Su Zhixi realized that things might not be so simple. She pulled the man's hand: "Jing Yao..."

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