Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 468: Benefit first, revenge afterwards

"Opportunities are all created." Ye Shutong smiled slightly, "For example, I can meet you two days ago, and this is the fate, isn't it?"

When she was finished, she got into the car, put on her sunglasses, and started the car quickly, and left.

Huo Yanhui gritted his teeth bitterly.

This woman...he has never met such a difficult woman! But she couldn't control it but was sucked by her!

As a result, this woman is determined to get He Jingyao!

Thinking of this, Huo Yanhui's heart was really complicated.


After eating, Su Zhixi left the restaurant, but he did not see He Jingyao.

Li Bo appeared at her side in time: "Young lady, young master has gone to the company, HI Group also has a branch in Yangdong City."

Su Zhixi nodded and was about to go back to the room, but he saw that Li Bo's expression was wrong. It seemed... hesitated.

"Li Bo, what's wrong?" Su Zhixi looked at him curiously.

"Mrs. Young, this is the case." Li Bo sighed. "You should know that Young Master offended Mr. President, the new energy project, I am afraid that the He family is difficult to intervene."

"I know." Su Zhixi bit her lip, "but Jing Yao also said that the He family did not intend to intervene."

Li Bo smiled and shook his head bitterly: "No. How can the HI Group be indifferent to this project. In fact, the board of directors is bound to get this. The young master must take this project on this trip."

Su Zhixi couldn't help worrying: "What should I do... Is there any way to make up for it now?"

"A breakthrough, I'm afraid it's Miss Ye's body." Li Bo sighed. "Young lady, you have also seen that Miss Ye has been selling well with the young master, but the young master has not scorned her. In the final analysis, it is because of you, young master I don’t want you to worry, so from the beginning, he refused all of Ms. Ye’s gestures. But in fact, there are many things that the young master doesn’t have to do so.”

Su Zhi was stunned before speaking: "Do you mean that Jing Yao should accept Ye Shutong's offer and treat her to be fooled with her? He is not such a person."

With a helpless smile, Li Bo shook his head and said, "Young lady, if everyone in the mall thinks like you, then there is no way to continue the business. Moreover, at some point, the young master knows how to be smooth and flexible. This does not harm his charm. You know this in your heart."

Su Zhixi pursed her lips tightly.

She certainly knows that He Jingyao certainly has his own principles and bottom line, but this does not mean that he is a black and white person. Many of his methods are actually between black and white.

He is the one who sets the rules, and he is also a master of the rules, so he will be unfavorable.

Seeing Su Zhixi being silent, Li Bo went on to say, "Like last night. According to my understanding of the young master, if it is not for you to make an appointment with the young lady, he is very likely to accept Miss Ye's offer, only However, he would never be grateful for her afterwards, but would make Ms. Ye feel painful. But because of you, the young master chose to refuse."

Su Zhixi's unconvincing excuse: "He said he just hates being manipulated."

"Yes. But if it's not because of you, the young master will take advantage first and revenge afterwards." Li Bo sighed. "I think, the young master just doesn't want you to feel guilty, so I said it has nothing to do with you."

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