Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 498: Presidential Palace Invitation

At the same time, a low-key luxury car slowly stopped at the door of the villa.

At the door of the villa, a bodyguard glanced at the license plate number, suddenly took a breath, and immediately took out his mobile phone to dial a number.

In the living room, Li Bo picked up the extension. After ten seconds, he hung up his phone solemnly and looked back at He Jingyao: "Master, there is a car outside the presidential palace parked outside."

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows and suddenly smiled: "Entertain your guests well. I'll call Zhixi down."

"Yes." When Li Bo responded, his heart was still up and down.

Mrs. Young's life experience has something to do with the presidential palace...


After He Jingyao returned to the room, Su Zhixi had just woken up and was totally confused.

"Jing Yao..." She was a little annoyed that she took a nap again for so long, "What time is it?"

The man glanced at her and suddenly smiled, reaching out to brush her messy hair: "Hurry up, the presidential palace is coming."

"What!" Su Zhixi's eyes widened. "Presidential Office? What are you doing here?"

"Of course it's for you." He Jingyao rubbed her cheek. "Get dressed and go on."

"Find me?" Su Zhixi was confused, but did not forget to get out of bed and change clothes quickly.

If it was for the sake of helping the wife of the president last night, the wife of the president has already expressed gratitude, and it makes no sense to let yourself go again.

She quickly changed her clothes and tied her hair into a ponytail. Then she turned to face him: "I'm fine!"

He Jingyao glanced at her and nodded with satisfaction: "Go on."

Su Zhixi did not dare to delay and hurried downstairs.

He Jingyao stood at the railing on the second floor, his eyes chasing Su Zhixi in a hurry.

If she could recognize her biological parents, would she be happy?


Su Zhixi came to the living room and saw the female officer on the sofa at a glance, and it happened that this female officer was the one who led her into the presidential palace last night.

"Mrs. He Shao." She saw Su Zhixi, and immediately stood up with a smile, "We meet again."

"Hello." Su Zhi smiled shyly and sat down opposite her. "Do you have anything for me?"

"It was my wife who asked me to come over. The lady said that you were shocked by what happened last night, and she also has some details to ask you, so is it convenient for you now?" The female officer smiled and explained her intention.

Su Zhixi looked at her in surprise: "You mean, let me go to the presidential palace?"

"Yes." She nodded. "My wife still invites you to dinner, but don't worry, it's either a formal dinner or a light meal, only you and your wife."

Su Zhixi was inexplicably nervous. The scene that was rejected by Mrs. President’s smile yesterday left a big shadow on her, and now she is asked to dine alone with Mrs. President...

Her careful liver trembles.

"I... do I want to simply dress up?" Su Zhixi knew that he could not refuse, so he had to find an excuse to delay.

The female officer nodded: "Of course. I'm waiting for you outside."

She said goodbye and left, Li Bo personally sent her outside.

Su Zhixi hurried to the second floor: "Jing Yao, the President's wife is going to have dinner with me... won't it be a Hongmen banquet!"

He Jingyao couldn't help raising her lips when she saw that she was facing a big enemy: "How could it be? Do you still need a banquet to deal with it?"

"But my wife clearly doesn't like me..." Su Zhixi was really confused.

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