Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 520: Your biological mother, she has appeared

It was night, and it started to snow in Yangdong.

When Su Zhixi woke up, she yawned and washed as usual, but she looked up and saw the window, and she was stunned.

I don't know when the outside has become a world wrapped in silver.

Su Zhixi rushed out of the room excitedly, came downstairs, and rushed out of the gate until she faced a cold wind before she could stop her pace.

Li Bo hurriedly gave her a coat: "Young lady, you are careful to catch cold."

"Uh huh." Su Zhixi took over the coat and put it on, smiling at the snow scene with satisfaction.

Li Bo shook his head with a smile, and after a while it reminded her to go to breakfast.

Su Zhixi responded in his mouth, but did not move. If it wasn't because Li Bo was nearby, I'm afraid she would immediately rush into the snow to play in the snow.

Although it also snows in Yanzhou City, occasionally it snows, but it is only a thin layer, and there is no fun at all.

But the city of Yangdong is different. The heavy snow is really happy.

Li Bo saw that she was so overwhelmed when she watched the snow alone, she had no choice but to walk away.

Just then, the phone in the villa rang.

Li Bo took it and said, "Hey".

"Did Zhixi get up?" It was He Jingyao's voice, but it sounded a little serious.

"Yes, Madam Young was very excited to see the snow." Li Bo smiled.

"Good." He Jingyao seemed relieved. "Don't let her go out today."

"Yes." Li Bo responded and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

He Jingyao paused and said, "It's okay, I'll be back soon."

Then hang up the phone.

Li Bo is unknown, so after thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and checked it online.

Then his eyes widened suddenly!

Just a few minutes ago, a message suddenly fermented on the social platform and quickly spread throughout the Internet.

The keyword of the content is: the illegitimate daughter of the President's wife.

It was revealed that the current first lady, Chu Jinyu, had a daughter with other men when she was young, but that girl was in the private sector, unknown, but now they have sufficient evidence to prove this The identity of the girl will be exposed when the time comes.

Li Bo's face suddenly became extremely ugly!

Such news, the presidential palace must have received the news, if the young lady is really the illegitimate daughter of the president's wife, then, what will the president do to her?

Thinking of this, Li Bo had a cold sweat!


Su Zhixi knew nothing about it.

It didn't take long for her to see He Jingyao's car parked at the door.

The door opened and the man stooped down to get out of the car. The black coat was quickly covered with a few snowflakes, which appeared extremely cold and upright in the ice and snow.

Su Zhixi jumped in surprise and was embraced by the man.

"Why are you wearing this?" He frowned.

Su Zhixi smiled: "Why did you come back so early?"

This will be less than ten o'clock.

The man looked at her seriously: "Su Zhixi, I want to tell you something, you need to be mentally prepared."

Su Zhixi couldn't help but narrowed his smile and swallowed nervously: "What's the matter, you say."

"Zhou Rong is not your biological mother. As for your biological mother, she has already appeared." He Jingyao touched her face and smiled, "And you have already seen her."

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