Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 533: Advance overdrawn body

Huo Yanzhao raised an eyebrow in surprise: "What did you do?"

"This is not important..." Huo Yanhui was a little guilty. "The point is, I have a very important thing to tell him now, but he refuses to see me or allow me to see his wife. I really have no choice but to come. I'm looking for you."

After he left Ye Shutong, he had been thinking about He Jingyao's illness. In any case, Ye Shutong was right. As a good friend of He Jingyao, Huo Yanhui couldn't just ignore it.

Of course, he would not go to Su Zhixi as Ye Shutong expected. His original intention was to persuade Jing Yao, who would have expected that this man was really determined, and he refused to see him even when he saw him.

Huo Yanhui had no choice but to return to Yanzhou City.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Huo Yanzhao nodded and walked into the hospital.

"Don't." Huo Yanhui grabbed him. "The hospital is handed over to me. You better go to Yangdong City now."

Huo Yanzhao's footsteps stopped suddenly, frowning at him.


Yangdong City.

He Jingyao returned to the office after the meeting and unexpectedly saw Huo Yanzhao.

"Why are you here?" He raised an eyebrow.

Huo Yanzhao glanced at him: "Of course it's a matter, life is a matter of life."

He Jingyao clearly raised his lips: "My dad made you a lobbyist?"

"No, it was Yanhui who told me, but I did have a phone call with my uncle." Huo Yanzhao stood up from the sofa. "Jing Yao, what do you think?"

"You're a doctor, do you believe this ridiculous conclusion?" He Jingyao glanced at him lightly.

"Of course I believe." Huo Yanzhao's expression was severe. "He Jingyao, you should know that the length of a person's life is determined by the telomere on both sides of the chromosome. The longer the telomere, the longer the life. The telomere disappears. At that time, people’s lifespan came to an end. Soon after I was a doctor, I tested a few of us on a whim, did you remember? At that time, your body was normal, maybe you can live to 100 Years old! But in the test report given by Arthur, your telomere shortening rate becomes abnormal. At this rate, you will die at the age of 40!"

He Jingyao leaned on the desk and sniffed at the words: "It's too long to be a hundred years old. I'm not interested in living that long."

Huo Yanzhao did not respond to his words, but continued: "You know the problem is there. With your siblings, your energy becomes unprecedentedly strong, and your metabolism is several times faster than ordinary people, which means you are overdrawing your body in advance... …Yes, you do look healthy. In fact, maybe you are healthy until death, but you are destined to live soon!"

Perhaps because of being too excited, Huo Yanzhao, who was always calm, raised his voice involuntarily.

He Jingyao looked at him calmly: "So?"

"So, are you going to continue this way?" Huo Yanzhao said calmly, "Pretend that there is no problem until the day when your life comes to an end?"

"If you can give a solution, I will be very grateful." He Jingyao raised his lips.

"I am willing to concentrate on your disease from now on." Huo Yanzhao looked at him, "if you are willing to separate from your siblings before this."

He Jingyao's eyes darkened: "If it were you, would you be separated from Xue Fei?"

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