Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 550: If Zhi Xi is spiritual in heaven

"Drugs?" He Jingyao suddenly chuckled lowly. "The driver didn't escape. I'm afraid he had already saved his death. Most of the drugs were released by him."

Chu Jinyu sighed quietly and didn't speak.

"You have a rest." He Jingyao finished, turned and left.

Chu Jinyu moved his lips and seemed to want to say something, and finally all the persuasion was turned into a sigh.

Ning Yichen nodded with her and turned to follow He Jingyao's footsteps.


The sky outside is just right.

It's also ironic to say that since the explosion that day, it has been a rare sunny day in Yangdong City for a few days in a row, adding a bit of warmth to this cold winter.

"He Jingyao." Ning Yichen looked at the back of a man who was not far away and his voice was hoarse. "I can understand everything I know, and everybody who can inquire has asked, you... still don't Will you give up?"

Over the past two days, he accompanied the man to interrogate all security personnel and all possible witnesses of the day. Even today the wife of the president personally admitted that Zhi Xi was sitting beside her...

Even if Ning Yichen didn't want to admit it, he had to accept the fact that Su Zhixi was dead.

She died in the explosion, leaving no body to stay.

Everyone has accepted this fact.

Only He Jingyao refused to believe that, despite no reason, he was sure that Su Zhixi was still alive... To this end, he had not rested for two days and two nights, just to find any possible clues.

But, how can there be so many miracles in this world, in front of so many people, can Su Zhixi a big living person disappear from nothing?

He Jingyao stopped and looked back at him, his eyes dark and deep, like a black hole, and any emotion fell into the barren, no trace was found.

Ning Yichen's heart palpitated involuntarily.

"I know you are in pain, but if Zhi Xi is spirited in the sky, she must not want to see you like this." Ning Yichen said hoarsely.

He did not expect that one day, he would also comfort He Jingyao this man.

But after two days, he had clearly seen the man's affection for Zhi Xi. Despite the fact that he has not shown the slightest sorrow so far, he did not even show any expression. On the contrary, his whole person has become abnormally sharp and cold, such as the sharp blade of the sheath, even if someone just looks at it, they may be cut. hurt.

But the coldness and pain in the outside was precisely because his heart was already tight.

As for his words of comfort, He Jingyao seemed to be deaf, even owing his expression.

"Thank you for these two days." He said faintly, "but, I'm sure that Zhi Xi is still alive."

After he finished speaking, he drew back his eyes indifferently and strode towards the parking lot.

Ning Yichen was standing still, speechless.


"Young Master." In the parking lot, Li Bo saw He Jingyao and choked with a voice.

He Jingyao tilted his head slightly, and seemed to ponder for a while before saying, "Go back to Wanhe Qianfeng Garden."

"Yes." Li Bo whispered lowly, and added after thinking and thinking, "My wife and the lady are both here. The wife also asked if the young lady's funeral would require her to...

"There is no funeral." He Jingyao's cold voice sounded, "Let them go back."

"Master!" Li Bo's voice was very sad, "Mrs. Young is dead!"

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