Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 555: Never come back, I might change my mind

"Perhaps." He Jingyao smiled noncommittally, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether it is good or not."

If Zhi Xi is not with him, he will not be short-lived. Since that is the case, it is not a matter of not being able to touch a woman.

Year after year of searching, year after year of despair, now his obsession is only to avenge her, so that she is still alive...

This belief was so weak that he couldn't persevere anymore.

But no matter how meager, it did not disappear completely.

Yun Shenhan's eyes dimmed, and then he smiled casually: "It can't be said that if your illness is really good, I don't know how many women line up for you to choose, and my uncle and aunt should be happy and broken."

Ning Yichen couldn't help but persuade him: "If Zhi Xi knows... she shouldn't want to see you alone..."

He Jingyao chuckled lowly: "Impossible."

Ning Yichen was a little stunned.

"Do you think she is docile and soft? Actually not." He Jingyao shook the cocktail glass and smiled faintly. "She would rather I grow old alone, and would never be happy to see another woman beside me."

Yun Shenhan was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Did I ever tell you that I actually had a crush on her?"

He Jingyao glanced at him: "I know."

"You know?" Yun Shenhan almost jumped up.

"Do you think you are hiding well?" He Jingyao gave a soft tap. "I just don't want to debunk you."

Yun Shen clutched his chest coldly, thinking that he might have been mocked secretly by this man as a fool.

Ning Yichen smiled lowly. He is different from Yun Shenhan. Su Zhixi really liked him, but unfortunately their feelings were misplaced.

"I should go back." He put the glass away. "Tomorrow Prince Leslie from Country S will visit. I will be responsible for receiving them."

"Oh, this Grand Duke of Leslie is terrible to hear." Yun Shenhan immediately became interested. "I heard that he is the richest person in country S, with thousands of islands in his name."

"Yes, he still has a daughter. It is said that he intends to raise trouble for his daughter. Are you interested in being a son-in-law?" Ning Yichen smiled and spread her hands.

Yun Shenhan's eyes narrowed, and he said angrily, "Go away."

Ning Yichen laughed and left.


Half an hour later, He Jingyao also left the four seasons.

Another year of deep winter.

Such weather makes He Jingyao often doubt that perhaps these four years was just a dream for him. After waking up, she was still lying in his arms.

"Jing Yao..."

In a trance, he heard her voice again, soft and delicate.

He Jingyao closed his eyes.

Even if those sounds are only his illusions, it is better than the whole world is silent.

Zhixi, where the **** are you?

Are you really alive?

If you are still alive, why can't I find the slightest evidence that you are still alive? Why four years have passed, you still haven't appeared in front of me?

How long will this prank last?

You can't rely on me to spoil you, just make such jokes unscrupulously, because...not funny at all.

If I don’t come back, I’m really angry.

Never come back, I will forget you.

If I don’t come back, I might change my mind.

At night, the man laughed hoarsely

Uncle Li hurried to him in front of the umbrella: "Young Master."

He Jingyao opened his eyes and looked at the snow in the sky, his voice was soft: "Go back."

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