Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 568: Marry you by the way

The night is dark.

The car stopped slowly at the entrance of the State Guest House, Zhi Xi took the little guy in his arms and got off the car, treading carefully on the snow.

"Xiaobao is asleep?" Gu Bingjun also got out of the car with a smile on his voice.

"Well, I fell asleep when I was still in the car." Zhi Xi wrapped her son a little tightly in a scarf so that he wouldn't get cold. "It's strange not to be tired after playing crazy all night."

"Give him to me." Gu Bingjun reached out his arm and took Xiaobao into his arms. "Yes, you can find a house tomorrow. We estimate that we will live in Yangdong for a while, and it is impossible to stay in the country all the time. Hotel."

Zhi Xi froze for a moment: "Live for a while? Are you planning to go back to talk about the new energy project?"

"Huh... Zhuo Yuwei's old fox." Gu Bingjun sneered. "It's estimated that there are still some craps in this project."

"Then... how long do you plan to live in Yangdong?" Zhi Xi's heartbeat accelerated.

"At least a month or two." Gu Bingjun frowned for a moment.

"One or two months..." She bit her lip with a wry smile, not knowing whether she should be happy or afraid.

"By the way, marry you out." Gu Bingjun muttered to himself, "I let out the wind, and there are many people willing to be my son-in-law."

Zhi Xi was speechless.


After returning to the room, Gu Bingjun put Xiaobao on the bed and went to the next door.

Zhi Xi sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his son's carefree sleep, and couldn't help thinking of the dark, upright voice.

She bit her lip and leaned down to hug her son's soft body, her eyes sore again.

Xiao Bao in his arms moved, and suddenly woke up, he rubbed his eyes, his voice soft: "Mom."

"Wake up?" Zhi Xi quickly threw her sour mood behind her head and hugged him with a smile, "Go, let's take a shower."

As she said, she picked up her son and went to the bathroom.

The little guy hugged her neck and suddenly said, "I actually like Dad."

Zhi Xi raised his eyebrows and glanced at him.

"It wouldn't be wrong if I lived with him," he announced arrogantly, "but you have to stay with me, mother."

Zhi Xi's expression dimmed slightly, without a word.

"Not only you and Dad, but grandpa, but also uncle..." He counted his fingers one by one.

She couldn't help laughing: "What you think is pretty."

After taking a bath, Zhixi took her son back to bed and told him the story before going to bed, but this kid was a little like her, as long as his head was dipped in the pillow, he could fall asleep quickly, anyway, every time she went to bed The story ends with only one head.

Looking at his son's sleeping face, Zhi Xi smiled, bowed his head and kissed his cheek before returning to his room.

The night is cold.

She closed her eyes and vented her thoughts, and as a result, a dark and tall figure came into her mind so unexpectedly.


She took a deep breath, changed her posture, and continued to empty. After several tossing, she fell asleep.

In a trance, there seemed to be a hot palm burning on her waist, and Min-sense's body reacted quickly. She couldn't help but slamming, trying to avoid that hand, but soon, that hand Just got into her clothes and walked slowly and wantonly. The owner of this hand seemed to be very familiar with her sensitivity-feeling points. Soon after, her entire body softened.

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