Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 593: I used to be her world

It seemed that everything was going around and back to the origin.

He still doesn't care, what kind of harm she will bring him...but she cares.

Gu Zhixi bit her lip: "Mr. Hee, how did you let me go?"

He Jingyao bowed his head slightly and met her sad and fragile eyes, and smiled faintly: "Nothing."

Gu Zhixi's eyes were hot.

She held back her tears: "Are you going to keep me here for a lifetime?"

"If I can, I want to do this." His voice was low and hoarse, with a bit of cruelty.

"But you can't keep me here for a lifetime." she whispered, her voice already cried a bit.

He Jingyao looked at her for a while, then suddenly walked to the end of the bed and walked to the other side.

Zhi Xihuarong lost her face: "You... what are you going to do?"

For a while, she didn't know whether she should stand up and hide in bed, or simply hide under the bed... but when she hesitated, the man had walked to her.

He seemed to snort and leaned over to pick her up: "Don't squat, do you think you are a mushroom?"

"..." She blushed and shrunk in his arms speechless.

The long-lost tone and long-lost arms made her feel in a trance that nothing had actually changed and nothing happened.

The man sent her straight to the bathroom and threw it in the hot, still hot water: "The clothes are in the cupboard."

Zhixi quickly slipped to the bottom of the water, unable to cover the body of the inch.

The man looked at her as she wanted to cover her eyes, and ticked her lips: "Miss Gu, do you know? You are really like my wife, but they are a little different."

Zhi Xi raised his head and looked at the man's dark and indifferent eyebrows and a sour nose, and asked casually, "What's different."

"She has more courage than you." The man smiled faintly. "She once said that if I die one day, she would never live alone... Although I disagree, I believe she can do it."

Gu Zhixi was suddenly in a trance. Yes, she did say this, and it was decided from the heart, but...

"I miss her very much." The man's voice was low and hoarse, as if coming from the far deep sea, "I used to be her world. But of course you are different, Miss Gu."

With a light smile, he turned and left the bathroom.

Just staying alone in the bath for a long time.


After half an hour, she finally took a shower and rummaged through the closet, and the result was all men's shirts and pants.

What's more, it seems that he passed through it... Zhi Xi instantly smelled the familiar breath.

... actually letting her wear the clothes he had already worn, this man is really getting more and more perverted.

She blushed, but she had to put on his clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

In the bedroom, He Jingyao was already well-dressed. He leaned against the wine cabinet, and after she came out, her eyes fell accurately on her.

The woman was petite, wearing his shirt, obviously much larger, her shoulders half exposed, and her collarbone all exposed.

Looking down, a pair of long, straight thighs fell into his eyes, as if a fire was ignited under his eyes.

Zhi Xi was fighting with an overly generous shirt, and suddenly he felt a scorching gaze behind his back.

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