Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 598: You are too tender

"Mom, are we going back?" The little guy looked up and looked at her pitifully. "But I still don't want to go. Qixi is here."

Zhi Xi hesitated and said, "But, mom must go back, don't you want to stay with mom?"

He twisted his fingers tangled.

This means that it is difficult to make a choice between Mom and Tanabata...

Gu Zhixi saw him hesitating and hesitating, and he was so angry and funny: "Doesn't my mother compare to your Qixi?"

This little guy, dare to hesitate for so long!

"It's different. I can stay here for a while and go back to find my mother." He smiled and grabbed Gu Zhixi's hand. "Mom, do you say that?"

"You are here by yourself, who takes care of you?" Gu Zhixi looked at him, "Uncle has no time to accompany you all day long!"

Pei Yuanchen took a bite of the sandwich and said he would not participate in the topic.

"I can live there on Tanabata!" The little guy raised his hand in excitement.

"Your Tanabata is busy. She goes out every day to participate in events and commercials. If you live there, she will be distracted to take care of you." Zhi Xi explained to him patiently, "Are you patient with Tanabata so hard?"

He was entangled again.

"And, if you live with Qixi, he will take a bath for you and wipe your ass..."

"That's not necessary..." He covered his face, "I can't let Tanabata wipe my **** for me."

...This kid actually has a burden.

Gu Zhixi could not help but smile: "Then you and mother go back, OK?"

He sighed and nodded sadly: "Well then."

Pei Yuanchen gave her a thumbs up and touched the little guy's head again: "Fight against your mother, you are too tender."

"But mom, why did you suddenly go back? You said you wanted to send me to my dad." The little guy unhappyly pulled his clothes.

Gu Zhixi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly the light flashed, and she had an idea.

"Xiaobao, maybe... you can really stay."


On the other side, He Jingyao came to an institute.

He got out of the car and walked inside alone, through the long corridor, into a laboratory.

Inside the glass wall, Huo Yanzhao looked up to see him, reached out and made a gesture, and soon changed his clothes and walked out.

"Why are you here?" Huo Yanzhao asked as he took off his gloves.

"How is it going?" He Jingyao poured a cup of tea and placed it opposite him.

Huo Yanzhao raised an eyebrow: "Last time you gave me three days, isn't it a joke?"

He Jingyao raised his eyes and looked at him.

"But your luck is indeed good. I implanted this trait gene fragment in the mouse. At present, there is no rejection reaction." Huo Yanzhao smiled, "but for security reasons, I will give you some time later. Surgery. In this case, the only one known to you in the world is my case. I have been working hard for four years, and I have studied dragon slaughter."

"HI Group, one-fifth of the dry stocks in my name." He Jingyao said quietly, "Is this remuneration not low?"

Huo Yanzhao was startled: "Are you serious?"

"Do you think I will let you waste four years in vain?" He Jingyao snorted softly.

"Of course not, I know you will not treat me badly." Huo Yanzhao frowned, "but one-fifth... this is too much."

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