Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 646: Don't forget i'm pursuing you now

Ning Yichen couldn't help smiling, handing the rose to the bodyguard on the side: "Send to Miss Gu's room."

"Don't you give it to me?" Zhi Xi said with a smile.

"Did you plan to bring such a large bouquet of flowers to the restaurant?" Ning Yichen said angrily, opened the door for her, "Get in the car."

Zhi Xi glanced at the rose in the bodyguard's hand, his expression slightly stunned.

Suddenly she remembered that when she was in Hades, the entire restaurant was covered with flowers, such a fantastic scene, she... still have a chance to see it?

"What's wrong?" Ning Yichen saw her in a daze and couldn't help reminding.

Zhi Xi shook his head: "It's okay."

After saying that she stooped into the car.

Fortunately, after four years, she has learned how to hold back her thoughts, and is also used to the days when he is not around her, otherwise, she will definitely be desperate now...


Tonight, the restaurant ordered by Ning Yichen is very secluded and the environment is simple and charming.

In order to facilitate the night view, they did not go to the box, but sat in the deck.

Ning Yichen handed her the menu: "This dish is very good, see what you want to eat."

"Since you are familiar with this place, then you come to order it." Zhi Xi smiled, "I'm not picky."

Ning Yichen didn't insist, opened the menu for a while, and suddenly said calmly: "Actually, I haven't been here, it was recommended by my friend."

Zhi Xi smiled: "Which girl would like this style of restaurant? Is your friend a woman?"

Ning Yichen was a little embarrassed, and he vaguely said, "Then I will look at it and it should not be unpleasant."

After he finished, he beckoned and waited for the waiter.

After ordering, as soon as he turned his head, he saw Zhi Xi staring at him.

"Is there a situation?" she asked.

"No." He calmly denied, "Miss Gu, don't forget that I am now pursuing you."

Zhi Xi had no choice but to put away the full of gossip.

"Right, in the past few years... Do you have any news about Su Lianxi?" Zhi Xi asked suddenly.

Although she and Su Lianxi were in a state of dissociation for a long time, she couldn't help but think of Su Lianxi's encounter.

Ning Yichen's eyes fell, and she calmly said, "Uh": "She is fine, you don't have to worry about her."

"Why..." Zhixi intuitively has a story in it.

"She is Su Lianxi, and will always seize all opportunities that are beneficial to herself." Ning Yichen smiled. "However, she is not as hopeless as she used to be."

"That's good." Zhi Xi nodded, and then curiously said, "Are you still in touch with her?"

"No." Ning Yichen's smile was a bit ironic, "It's just for work reasons, and occasionally there will be news of her."

Reasons for work... This man is the secretary next to the president. Why is there news about Su Lianxi in his work?

Although Zhixi was curious, he thought it would be inconvenient to reveal his identity, so he wisely did not ask much.

Soon the dishes came up. The two had a quiet meal, and occasionally Ning Yichen would have a toast with her. It seemed that the two were indeed a harmonious couple.

At this moment, a slender figure came out of the staircase. She apparently came out of the box and was looking down to leave. As a result, she saw Ning Yichen and Gu Zhixi sitting by the window.

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