Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1023: Wish she would go up by herself

Old man Ming and Mrs. Ming both looked at her with a smile, wishing she would go up by herself.

The two old men are now creating opportunities for their sons.

Yun Lan had no choice but to see the look of the old man who would not find someone to pass her on, so she had to go upstairs by herself.

A few subordinates and servants came by.

The old lady Ming hurriedly waved to her subordinates and servants quietly, and said in a low voice, "You all come back, you don't need to go up."

The subordinates and servants now generally understand the situation, knowing that the whole family is now bringing Mingyu and Yun Lan together, hiding aside wisely.

The old lady Ming said to the old man Ming: "Old man, you said this Yun Lan, I really like it more and more. She and Yun Wei are both very talented. Especially Weiwei, it is really worthy of inheriting her parents. Excellent genes, brilliant talents."

"Yes, I really blamed her before. If I saw her earlier, I'm afraid I wouldn't do those wrong things." Old man Ming said regretfully.

"Anyway, we are now in our own family. Just protect them in the future." The old lady Ming nodded with a smile.

On the one hand, Yun Lan walked to Mingyu's study by herself and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mingyu's voice was refreshing and clear, and it sounded very pleasant, but it didn't have any emotional color.

Yun Lan settled his mind and walked in.

Mingyu was packing up the information, and seeing Yun Lan coming, a smile appeared on his tight face: "Lan'er, are you here?"

"Mr. President." Yun Lan greeted softly, "I have something to tell you, will it affect your work, right?"

"Come in, Lan'er." Mingyu couldn't beg her to come to her, "There is nothing important, please sit down."

Yun Lan sat down and Mingyu poured water on her personally: "How is Weiwei's wedding preparations?"

"It's very smooth. With the help of the Lu family and Aleng, everything is not a problem." Yun Lan said with a smile, and changed the subject. "Actually, Mr. President, I came this time because of everyone's collective opinions."

"Didn't you come to me by yourself?" Ming Yu was slightly disappointed.

"It's what I meant." Yun Lan said with a smile, "Now that you are qualified for the post of president, it was originally very suitable. Everyone does not want you to take the blame and resign for family affairs. This is everyone's unified opinion. I hope you can still Continue to be competent in this position, so that country s will develop better."

In fact, the cold words made yesterday and tomorrow night have already made Mingyu realize his true wish.

He was not the president for fame and fortune, but more of a responsibility.

So last night he had figured out that he would no longer take the blame and resign because of Zhang Huiru.

But now that Yun Lan came with everyone's intentions, it can be seen that everyone is sincere and hopes that he will stay and continue to serve.

Mingyu whispered, "Do you want me to continue?"

"Of course. I know that Mr. President has always regarded his home country as his important task. I stayed in Elia for a while, and the high-level people there think you are a good president. So, I still hope you don’t Consider your children's personal affair and think more of your family and country." Yun Lan immediately said seriously.

"Lan'er, in fact, for this position, I have always really loved and paid a lot. But do you know what my only concern is?" Mingyu walked over to her and knelt down beside her.

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