Lu Zhanting is now more mature and stable. He was a few years older than Yun Wei. After experiencing so many things, even Yun Wei has matured a lot. Although she is still so young, her face is still so immature and youthful. But he was already a person who could withstand the storm, let alone a mature man like Lu Zhanting.

Holding her hand, Lu Zhanting could not help but let out a soft and pleasant laugh, and said, "Then I will eat a few more bowls of rice tonight."

"Well, you eat more, things have been hard recently, so take care of your body." Yun Wei said softly, with a smile on her face.

"What's the matter?" Lu Zhanting has always known that Yun Wei is not such a woman who tells the details of her life. Strictly speaking, she is still a girl. She has always had a very lively and free personality, so she would never tell him about it. Those words that didn't, the concern is also from other angles.

Yun Wei smiled and said, "No, you can't care about you?"

"Do you have anything to worry about?" Lu Zhanting still keenly sensed that something was wrong.

If it was normal, Yun Wei could never be like this.

She shook her head: "Really not, I will serve you food."

Yun Wei was talking and laughing, it really didn't look like something happened.

But if there is really nothing wrong, you can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from Lu Zhanting's eyes.

He understands her character too well.

After dinner, Lu Zhanting rarely took time to take a walk with her in the garden of the royal palace, and then accompanied her to try the clothes for the inauguration ceremony.

It's getting late, Yun Wei goes to take a bath.

Lu Zhanting called Lu Tian: "Where did Weiwei go today?"

"I went to worship Gu Yuqing with Gu Yusha. Today is Gu Yuqing's birthday." Lu Tian said.

"Did something happen over there?" Lu Zhanting frowned.

"I don't know, I only know that Gu Yusha left early in the morning, and the young lady came back later." Lu Tian said.

Lu Zhanting squeezed his eyebrows, he could already guess what happened.

This Gu Yusha is really a time bomb. Yun Wei has never been in a bad mood because of anyone. If it weren't for Gu Yuqing, she wouldn't have to bear with Gu Yusha again.

Lu Zhanting asked Lu Tian to leave temporarily.

When he entered the room, Yun Wei had already taken a bath, came forward, and proactively stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

She was hiding things in her heart, and she couldn't hide it even if she tried to conceal it.

Lu Zhanting hugged her and turned this kiss into all the initiative.

In the middle of the night, Yun Wei had not fallen asleep. Hearing Lu Zhanting's even breathing sound, she tiptoed up to her feet.

What Gu Yusha said today has been weighing heavily on her heart.

She didn't want Lu Zhanting to be in a dilemma, nor did she want the entire country to suffer from the war again, so she planned to leave tonight.

She got up and looked at Lu Zhanting's handsome face by the moonlight. She controlled her urge to lower her head and kiss him. She was worried that he would wake up as soon as she touched him, and she would really not be able to leave.

Yun Wei glanced at her again, picked up her luggage, turned around and went out.

The entire royal palace is now in a dream, and there are very few people along the road.

Only a few guards still patrol day and night to protect the safety of the royal palace.

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