Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1140: Is this wrong?

Gu Changwei sighed. He has never thought of seizing power from the royal palace in his life.

Now even if Gu Yusha said this, he would not be moved by this thought.

If he wanted to move this mind, he would have moved.

And he was really convinced by Lu Zhanting.

It's just that this Gu Yusha is really getting harder and harder to discipline. Over the years, he has treated Gu Yusha like her own life, but her temperament has always been different from that of the Gu family.

Gu Yuqing has always treated Yusha very well, but there is still no way to turn Gu Yusha's temper.

And now, Gu Yuqing is no longer there, Gu Changwei's heart is full of loneliness and loneliness.

Gu Yusha went out and kept chanting words, saying, "If I really were the biological daughter of the Gu family, how could he not help me? He just saw that I was adopted, so he never treated me sincerely, just wanted How to keep his position and face in front of Lu Zhanting was never true to me. If I were the biological daughter of the Gu family, he would have tried every means to get me to marry Lu Zhanting."

Gu Yusha took out a dagger and slashed flowers and plants in the garden.

She remembered what Gu Changwei had told her before that her father was a lieutenant general, but during one mission, he passed away in an accident and he adopted her home.

When Gu Yusha thinks about it now, she always feels that this is an excuse for Gu Changwei.

Hmph, he must have killed his biological father and saw that he was innocent before adopting himself.

Gu Yusha became more and more angry the more he thought about it, and immediately called some of his cronies.

She also has a small team of her own, which can be used by several trusted subordinates, which is specially given to her by Gu Changwei's love for her.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Are you still loyal to me?"

"Miss, we all followed your father in the past. He was in trouble, so we followed Commander Gu. But in our minds, we are still willing to follow you. Miss has anything to do, we must do it." Her confidant The cronies said immediately.

This is the case in the army. Many people pay attention to this kind of loyalty. After following a general at a time, they will be loyal to this general for a lifetime.

These people are like this, as are people in other armies, so Yun Wei's worries and worries are not unreasonable. Although Lu Zhanying now controls two armies, it is really difficult for her to ensure that the people in these armies completely obey Lu Zhanting.

So she didn't dare to let Lu Zhanting offend Gu Changwei, causing the disaster to happen.

"Well, if something happens to Gu's family in the future, will you follow me too?" Gu Yusha asked loudly.

"Although the young lady is a daughter, we will follow you firmly, and nothing will change." The trusted soldier said immediately.

Gu Yusha said, "I ask you to contact the Gu family soldiers to see how many can be brought to our side."

"Miss, isn't it right?" the trusted soldier said immediately, looking at each other.

Gu Yusha said, "What's wrong? Commander Gu has lost his son now, and now the Gu family has no future. Aren't these soldiers going to follow me in the future? It's just a matter of time, you can do it."

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