"I've been a father for many years, but I didn't realize that she was such a person at all, and it was really dereliction of duty. Speaking of which, she became like this, but I didn't realize it in time. After all, it was my responsibility. If I knew it earlier, it was my responsibility Intervention, everything may be different." Gu Changwei sighed.

Lu Zhanting said: "Gu Army Commander does not have to blame himself. People are unpredictable. It is difficult to understand a person's true heart. You do not know the true face of Gu Yusha, and it is not your fault."

"Fortunately, Prince Ting is wise and aware of her motives. However, how do you know Prince Ting is such a person?" Gu Changwei asked curiously.

"In fact, all this was prompted by Gu Yuqing." Lu Zhanting said, looking far away, "If it weren't for his reminder, I might not have known it so quickly."

"You mean Yuqing?" Gu Changwei really didn't understand. Lu Zhanting had limited knowledge of Gu Yuqing, and the time for two people to get along was limited. How did he know this?

Lu Zhanting thought for a moment: "Actually, I was not sure at the beginning. When Yu Qing passed away, he said to Yun Wei, "Take care of my father and sister". We didn't think much about it at that time. But as Gu Yusha was in the royal palace, there were many tricks. When I thought about this sentence again, I felt that when he was saying this sentence, when he said the word'sister', the pronunciation was a bit strange, and his expression was a bit strange at the time. That's why I specifically secretly said it. After constantly investigating Gu Yusha, she discovered all these things she had done."

"That is to say, Yu Qing had already noticed what she did?" Gu Changwei said in surprise.

"It should be. He should have known Gu Yusha's nature a long time ago, but he didn't have enough evidence, and he was afraid that you would be sad, so he didn't say it, only intending to solve the matter slowly and secretly. Who knows it hasn't had time yet. It was resolved, and we encountered this war. This sentence is regarded as his last words. The reason why he did not say it clearly was because there were a lot of people at the scene. He was worried that Gu Yusha's people were present and disclosed the words to Gu Yusha. I know. That's why he hinted at us in this way." Lu Zhanting said.

Gu Changwei slowly reacted: "So that's it. Yu Qing has noticed it a long time ago, but I have been kept in the dark."

"Gu Yusha has a deep heart. If it wasn't for her desire to enter the royal palace this time, she wouldn't have revealed so many flaws, so I could find out all of her crimes." Lu Zhanting said, "Commander Gu. Don’t blame yourself too much. Didn’t Yun Wei and I notice her character in the first place?"

"Yes. Fortunately, everything is settled. But Prince Ting’s current priority is to find the prince and concubine as soon as possible. Also, this time we dealt with Gu Yusha, many of her people will definitely make troubles too. Come, I have to rush to deal with it." Gu Changwei said, still admiring Lu Zhanting very much.

Land Zhan Ting headed his jaw, indicating that he could do it himself.

Gu Changwei left, and Lu Zhanting looked into the distance, not knowing what Yun Wei was doing now.

In order to deal with Gu Yusha's affairs for a while, he really has been patient and didn't contact her.

I was worried that this matter was not handled properly and Yun Wei was hurt.

Indeed, too much had happened to her with him, and Lu Zhanting didn't want her to bother about these things anymore.

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