Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1160: I am going to be a father!

"If it is possible, I really want you to go back and become the president of the Chamber of Commerce again. It is better than being this high-powered king. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility." Yun Wei smiled bitterly. .

Lu Zhanting embraced her: "We have all experienced more cruel things, haven't we?"

Yun Wei smiled sweetly at him: "Yes. Anyway, I have to face it, crying and laughing, it is better to bear it happily."

Lu Zhanting smiled, knowing that her grief didn't last for a few minutes.

She can think well and be happy, which is the most important thing.

Yun Wei thought about her pregnancy and never told Lu Zhanting.

She raised her eyes to look at him, and said softly: "Tell you one thing."

"Huh?" Lu Zhanting looked at her seriously, not knowing what she was going to say.

"That's..." Yun Wei is not usually a shy girl, but when she talks about this topic, she blushes, "It's...Zhan Ting, you are going to be a father."

"Are you pregnant?" Lu Zhanting reacted to what she meant, overjoyed, and stood up all at once.

Yun Wei nodded gently.

"I'm going to be a father!" Lu Zhanting hugged her up.

Yun Wei said hurriedly, "Be careful to press the baby."

Lu Zhanting had just let go of her, his voice was gentle and joyful, and his voice became light and light: "No wonder I've seen you love to sleep these past two days. I thought something happened to you. It turned out to be pregnant, fool, why not Say it earlier? I knew I shouldn't have let you run like this."

"It's okay, I also plan to find a better opportunity to tell you." Yun Wei smiled sweetly, "I am going to be a mother, I am so happy."

Lu Zhanting hugged her, touched her thin waist, and said distressedly: "I'm pregnant and thinner than before. I really didn't do well this time."

"Don't blame yourself. Anyway, the matter is over. I will eat more in the future and raise my child and myself fat." Yun Wei said with a smile.

Lu Zhanting whispered: "Actually, I don't want you to be pregnant right now. I have always planned to wait until you are over twenty-five years old. You still have your studies, and you still have a lot of things to do."

"Then you are not happy?" Yun Wei raised her eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course I am happy. Since the baby is here now, it is also fate. How could I be unhappy? I just feel sorry for you." Lu Zhanting hugged her tightly.

With a smile on her face, Yun Wei said, "Yes, no matter what, it is fate when the child comes. Anyway, I am very happy and cherish it."

"I am the same." Lu Zhanting said, his face full of joy, "However, I have to find a doctor to check you up first; besides, I have to prepare things for the child. Oh, by the way, you should also add some specialties. It’s nourishment. No, it’s better for Lu Tian to find two nutritionists. It’s best to find it from Hengzhou City. In this way, the taste of the food is more in line with your appetite. People say that pregnancy is uncomfortable. So the food must be prepared."

Lu Zhanting let go of her, hurriedly called for Lu Tian, ​​and said, "Also, I think the food has been transported by air from Hengzhou City. The ingredients in Hengzhou City are relatively fresh. By the way, Weiwei, you love spicy food. It's still sour, I'll let it prepare in the kitchen."

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