Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1168: More swelling

Although she doesn't dislike Yuan Feifan herself, how could she live in the same room with a man before she actually got engaged?

She immediately shook her head: "I'm calling a friend, and I will go to her to squeeze tonight."

"An Qi, don't be like this." Yuan Feifan grabbed her hand with an injured look, "Then you live here, I will find another hotel to stay. I really have no other intentions, you believe me. "

"I believe you, but I really can't let you sleep on the ground, and it's not convenient to go out now too late. You also said that the room is very tight, and you may not find a house when you go out now? I still find a friend. Right." After An Qi finished, she called Jian Zhifei directly.

She knew that Jian Zhifei was busy with her family's business and traveled frequently to and from Jingzhou City.

Jian Zhifei picked it up soon and asked An Qi to pass right away.

Yuan Feifan looked at An Qi with an appearance of doing something wrong.

Seeing his innocent appearance, An Qi believed that he really didn't mean it, so she couldn't bear to say: "Extraordinary, you still have important things to do tomorrow, rest first. Let's talk about other things tomorrow."

An Qi carried the suitcase and went straight to the hotel where Jian Zhifei was.

Jian Zhifei is actually not here, but her room has always been reserved, so it is not a big problem for An Qi to stay for a few nights.

In the evening, Yuan Feifan sent a lot of text messages and made many phone calls to express his apologies. An Qi felt that she might really think too much, but the situation is very good now, isn't it?

An Qi was a little tired, and soon fell asleep.

Yuan Feifei went to the bar quickly, and when several people saw him coming, they all stepped forward to say hello. Obviously, he was already a frequent visitor here.

It was different from the appearance of a good young man who deliberately showed in front of An Qi. It was here that he truly released himself, unbuttoning a few buttons, with a wild smile on his face, but his eyes were searching for prey.

"Hey, Brother Fan, why are you free today? Didn't you talk about your sister-in-law? She allows you to come?" A man with tattoos on his arm walked over and sat down beside Yuan Feifei, afraid of patting him. shoulder.

Yuan Feifan said, "Bring a few bottles of good wine."

"Would you like some more nice girls!" The tattooed man laughed and waved to attract a few women with heavy makeup.

As soon as Yuan Feifan got the wine, he slumped his head and drank it.

He is really depressed tonight.

When in Hengzhou City, in order to gain more recognition and get more resources, he always packaged himself as a gentleman.

Just like this, his business and career have risen step by step, and he has won the favor of Mr. An and An Qi.

But he is a man who is unwilling to be ordinary. He also wants to gain future and benefits in a wider place. This is the reason why he likes An Qi.

Because of An Qi, he can get better resources in Jingzhou City.

Everyone in Jingzhou City knows that An Qi is Yun Wei's good sister and has a close relationship with the Presidential Palace. As long as An Qi's name is mentioned, anyone will sell two more thin noodles.

With this, Yuan Feifei has already obtained a lot of resources in Jingzhou City.

Now he is becoming more and more swollen, and he is also very free to fly in Jingzhou City.

Anyway, just don't let An Qi know.

"Brother Fan, don't drink boring wine. Take care of these beauties too. Beauties, hurry up and offer a few more glasses to Brother Fan." The tattooed man encouraged.

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