Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1170: go together

An Qi smiled shyly and withdrew her hand.

Yuan Feifan smiled and said, "I'm just worried that I will miss you too much if I can't see you for a few days. Let you come with me. I am busy with work and business at night, and I can play around during the day. I am in the mood to be with you. Very good, my business will be more effective with less effort."

An Qi didn't expect that he actually put himself in his heart, and couldn't help but smile.

Originally, Yuan Feifei deliberately pleased her, so he chose the best and most decent words. Moreover, An Qi was young and beautiful. Yuan Feifei liked her very much, so he could continue to talk to her. Think of all kinds of nice words.

However, this liking is mixed with the relationship of utilization and interest, which really casts a shadow over pure feelings.

Yuan Feifan played with An Qi all day.

In the evening, he glanced at the time apologetically: "An Qi, I am going to talk to the client in the evening, and it is too late to send you back."

"I'll take a taxi back." An Qi said hurriedly, she didn't want to delay his business.

"No, I mean, will you come with me to meet the client?" Yuan Feifan shook her hand, "You were my girlfriend originally, and there is nothing wrong with my social circle when I met. , Now you go back alone, how can I feel relieved?"

Seeing his ardent attitude, An Qi nodded and said, "It's okay. I don't want to delay your time. Then let's go together."

Yuan Feifan was overjoyed: "That's great."

He was really afraid that business could not be negotiated tonight, but it would be wonderful if An Qi was there.

Fearing that An Qi might be suspicious, he remedially said: "An Qi, I really wanted to bring you into my circle of friends and customers a long time ago. You know, you are really the woman I believe for a lifetime."

Suddenly hearing him say such solemn and affectionate words, An Qi was really uncomfortable, smiled, did not speak.

Yuan Feifei was really excited, with a smile on his face, and a lot of conversations along the way. An Qi saw that he was really emotional, and she was thinking about it. Isn’t her resistance to him really too much? ?

However, seeing the road getting darker and darker, An Qi couldn't help but ask: "Extraordinary, where are we going?"

"On a mountain in the outskirts." Yuan Feifei explained, "This client tonight is a well-known wealthy family in Jingzhou City, who likes hunting the most, and likes hunting in the wild. Looking at the entire Jingzhou City, only this mountain is considered There are some wild animals, so he camps there at night, and we also go there to discuss business."

An Qi knew what the wealthy young masters of Jingzhou City were doing, and nodded, worried: "Will there be lions and tigers? Will they bite people?"

"Hahahaha." Yuan Feifan looked at her, "An Qi, you really think too much, now it would be nice to be able to catch some pheasants and wild birds, but also lions and tigers."

An Qi said strangely: "Last time I heard Yunwei say that there are lions and tigers under the mountain."

"Yun Wei must be under the cliff. It is a place where there is no development. Naturally it is possible. But although there are wild animals on this mountain, there are no beasts and birds." Yuan Feifei explained, " Don't worry, there will be no accidents."

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