Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1173: Run into their cheating

"You don't understand." Yuan Feifan suppressed his anger before it broke out.

He said: "You should rest early, I also want to take a good rest and think about it."

"Extraordinary!" An Qi wanted to persuade again, but Yuan Feifan had already left.

An Qi could only sigh helplessly.

She fell asleep at night, but she slept very restlessly.

The night in the mountains and forests is quiet and very quiet.

She got up, wanted to go out to see the stars and calm her mood.

Others say that the stars in the forest at night are extraordinarily bright.

She put on her shoes and went out, passing by Yuan Feifan’s room and the tent-built room. Although it had all the internal organs, everything, and the quality was very good, it was still not very soundproof, and what happened in the room was very impressive. of.

An Qi heard movement in Yuan Feifan’s room, thinking that he hadn’t slept so late, and she must be still upset about business matters. She was hesitating to call him out for a chat, when she heard a depressive gasp from inside. sound.

The two entangled figures also appeared on the tent.

An Qi immediately covered her mouth.

The matter that the two figures were entangled, even if she had never experienced it, she understood what it was.

That is a living **** palace between a man and a woman.

She recognized the man as Yuan Feifein at a glance, and the woman was the female secretary who came to deliver the business cooperation letter later!

The two of them, just next to her room, did such a thing!

I only heard Yuan Feifan say in a low voice, "Be quiet, An Qi is next door!"

An Qi hurriedly hid her figure in the dark.

Then came the female secretary's voice: "She doesn't help you, are you still taking care of her?"

"Now she doesn't help, so sooner or later, she will help. How else can I get a foothold in Jingzhou City and develop my career by relying on her relationship with the Presidential Palace?" Yuan Feifan's voice is not like the usual upright gentleman, but rather Calculating and arrogant, "Sooner or later I will have a way to let her help!"

The female secretary gasped and said, "Why don't you just cook her uncooked rice, so that you will be a family? Who wouldn't she help you?"

"This is a good idea... If I was not afraid that she would resist, and if she could not let go, she would be self-defeating, I would have done her a long time ago. Now is the time to find time to cook the uncooked rice to mature rice, so I can give this thing It's solved." Yuan Feifan said while moving.

The female secretary made a delicate voice: "Then you will be more developed in the future, don't forget me~"

"Of course... I'll take comfort and comfort you," Yuan Feifan said.

An Qi covered her mouth, so sick that she almost didn't vomit.

She really never thought that Yuan Feihua was such a disgusting person.

He is a well-known gentleman in Jingzhou City. He has not even talked about his girlfriend, and it is said that he has never been in or out of places such as bars.

There is a big reason that Old Man An and An Qi fell in love with him because of this.

An Qi has always been a little bit afraid of those wealthy brothers who spent time in hotels and other places since she was a child. She didn't pay much attention to true feelings, and she was even afraid that these people would come back from some disease.

Who knows that this Yuan Feihua looks clean and self-conscious and deceives everyone, but he is not a good person in private. He doesn't talk to the secretary, and tries to use Angel's relationship to do business!

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