Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1176: Falling off the cliff

The female secretary has to take care of Yuan Feifan, but she can't pursue An Qi.

But An Qi was still very frightened, for fear of being caught up by them again, and taken back to be drugged by them, when she was really ruined.

She didn't want to get involved with the scumbag for a second.

An Qi was running, and the female secretary behind had already caught up again.

She didn't know where she ran, and she was running out of strength.

The female secretary caught up and shouted: "An Qi, you are not allowed to run! You stop me!"

The female secretary also knows that all the glory and wealth are tied to Yuan Feifei, and Yuan Feifei's development is tied to An Qi, and she will take An Qi back anyway.

An Qi ran to the front of the cliff, she shouted: "Don't come over!"

The female secretary picked up the flashlight, pointed it at An Qi, and said, "What's wrong with Feihua? You want to hurt her?"

"You guys and dogs, are you embarrassed to say that you are good to me?" An Qi was bitter, and she believed this Yuan Feifan with confidence, unexpectedly, he was such a person.

The female secretary pushed forward step by step: "An Qi, go back with me, Extraordinary will definitely forgive you, there will be countless good days for you in the future...otherwise..."

"Nothing else. Even if I die, I won't go back with you again!" An Qi kept backing up, and the female secretary kept pushing forward.

An Qi slipped, leaned back, and fell out.

"An Qi! An Qi!" the female secretary shouted, her voice full of infinite grief. People who didn't know thought she had lost her most precious friends and relatives.

When An Qi fell, she had already figured it out in her heart, even if she died, she would no longer have a relationship with a scumbag, let alone let them use herself.

Just thinking of Grandpa, she really felt sorry for Grandpa. Grandpa raised herself up so hard. She has never done her filial piety, and now she is about to die.

Her mind was blank, her eyes closed tightly.

I don't know how long it took.

When the consciousness came, An Qi felt pain all over her body, the kind of pain that the whole joint would disappear.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and there was a deserted void around her, and she seemed to have fallen into a cave.

The whole body hurts so much that she can't move at all.

Is this dead?

Probably so.

Otherwise, how could it be like this? Why does the body hurt like this? Why can't consciousness direct its own actions?

But it didn't take long before she closed her eyes that she felt her breathing on the side of her face, hot, as if facing her.

An Qi immediately opened her eyes.

There also happened to be a pair of wide-open eyes looking at her, almost less than a centimeter away from her, making her subconsciously scream, "Ah!"

With the sound of "ah", she immediately sat up.

The strength that could not be gathered just now was also subconsciously stimulated.

"Who are you?" An Qi sat up and looked at the person in front of her.

The man did not speak, but passed the fruit in his hand.

An Qi didn't answer, and subconsciously hugged herself tightly.

She hugged her and found the problem again, and her clothes were gone.

She was horrified: "Who are you? What did you do to me?"

That person always passed the fruit in his hand in front of her, as if she didn't pick it up, he wouldn't reach out his hand.

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