Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1178: Wrap your key parts

However, although he didn't wear clothes and his behavior was a bit animalistic, he could see that he was really good-looking. If he was dressed up, he would definitely not be worse than the boys in the city.

An Qi was thinking, he has returned, holding An Qi's clothes in his hand.

"Give it to me." An Qi was so excited.

But after receiving it, her excitement disappeared immediately.

It was about falling from a height. Her clothes and skirts had become riddled with holes, and there was no way to wear them again.

She looked down at her body, and her body was also covered with scars. It is estimated that she was scratched by a branch when she fell.

An Qi has no choice. No matter what, she has to go on. She can only pull her clothes and make two pieces of cloth that will still be intact, and wrap her key parts, otherwise, it would be really bad. .

"Clothes." He looked at the cloth on her, said in a pretentious manner, and learned a fresh vocabulary.

An Qi wanted to stand up, only to realize the pain in her calf.

Bone broken!

She wanted to cry without tears, looking like this, there is really nothing here, and I don't know what will happen, there is no medicine, no antibiotics, and no idea whether it will be infected.

The man sat beside her, took her leg up, took something from his mouth, and stuck it on her leg.

An Qi realized that there was something dark on her leg before, and he was still chewing something on her leg.

It seems that this is a healing herb.

I don't know if it worked, but after the paste was applied, a very cool feeling came from her legs, which was very comfortable, and the cold feeling was no longer so painful.

An Qi smiled and said to him, "Thank you."

"Thank you." He followed, and he could see that he was very interested in every word An Qi said. He would learn to repeat every word she said.

An Qi was dirty and sweaty and uncomfortable all over, and said: "I want to go out for a while, is there any water outside? Just the kind that I drink..."

She hurriedly made gestures for a while before he understood, came forward, and gave her his back.

An Qi froze for a moment.

He urged his finger to point to his back.

An Qi guessed that he might have seen her injured foot, and wanted to carry her out. He hesitated for a while, and he didn't care about so much.

She really wants to take a shower now, and then understand the situation here.

She climbed onto his broad shoulders, and he carried her on his back, very fast, not as fast as humans at all, and soon came out.

The sun outside was very good, An Qi stretched out her hand to cover it, this must be the bottom of the cliff.

Moreover, based on the previous situation, the cliff here is probably the same cliff where Yun Wei fell last time.

Didn't Yun Wei also say before that after she fell, someone who looked like an animal but looked like a human saved her?

Is it possible that the person who saved Yunwei is the man who is carrying him now?

It's just that the cliff here is very deep, An Qi has also checked the information, not to mention that ordinary people can't survive here, even after many explorers have come, they can't return here safely.

Previous information has shown that after many expeditions came to this cliff, they disappeared and never returned.

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