Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1182: Hug him hard

After finally crying, she asked, "What should I do?"

After asking, facing his dazedness, she knew that he couldn't understand herself.

She gestured and said: "Are there many tigers and pythons here, the kind I just encountered... I'm so scared, what should I do at night?"

He was very clever, and although she was clumsy, he understood.

He took An Qi's hand and walked forward.

In fact, if he was alone, these beasts would never touch him, on the contrary they would avoid him.

Because he has never been merciful to them, they have also seen him always cruel.

Of course, as long as they don't mess with him, he will give them face and not touch them.

It's just that today is different. As an outsider, An Qi has a very unfamiliar smell, which makes many beasts covet her, which leads to frequent accidents.

But he believes that as long as he is there, everything is not a problem.

An Qi's legs were weak and she couldn't move a step, but she fell down after taking a step.

Her shoes were broken long ago, and now she is barefoot. She is really afraid of stepping on something scared when she steps down.

Especially when she thought of the python, she couldn't feel at ease.

He grabbed her onto his wrist and easily took her back to the place where An Qi was recovering. An Qi can see clearly that this place is already relatively high and sharp stones are neatly arranged around it. , I think it should be prepared to defend against these ferocious beasts.

An Qi breathed a sigh of relief, she was a little safer at last.

And she also saw that there was something similar to a trench around the stone. She was relieved a lot. The wisdom of mankind is still better than that of ferocious beasts.

Put her back in the cave, An Qi sat on the rock, always vaguely disturbed.

In fact, Yunwei had told her before that there were many beasts and pythons under this cliff.

It's just that when I went out just now, seeing the good wind, water and scenery, An Qi relaxed her vigilance.

After he put her down, he was about to leave, An Qi grabbed his arm.

He gestured and told him he was going out to get food.

An Qi wanted to go out with him, but she thought that if she was too capricious, both of them would be hurt, so she gave up.

He walked out, she followed, grabbed his arm, and said, "Be careful. I'll wait for you to come back."

He may not understand her, but he understood the concern on her face, he smiled, and then turned away.

When he laughed, his already handsome face was a bit more attractive, and the stars shining in his eyes were also moving.

An Qi's heart was illuminated by him.

She waited quietly for him to return.

Seeing the sun dimming a little bit outside the cave, and the night shrouded in darkness, An Qi's heart became more and more uneasy and more uncomfortable.

A girl who has lived in the city for a long time has not experienced real darkness for a long time.

But she was more worried about his safety, and she was afraid that something would happen to him.

There are beasts everywhere here, and she is really afraid that something will happen to him, leaving her alone.

I don’t know how long it took. For An Qi, it might be centuries long. Finally, footsteps came from outside the house.

She immediately stood up and ran towards him, seeing his figure in the blur, she stepped forward and hugged him fiercely, so that the agitated mind was calmed down.

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