Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1187: If you don't like it, i won't kiss

An Qi's heart was warm, and she had long been used to An Che being by her side after so many days.

Moreover, he was simple and unsophisticated, which made her feel very relaxed and happy.

His care for her also made her accept very lightly.

She smiled and said, "I'll take a bath too, you watch TV here."

She turned on the TV to show him and went to take a bath by herself.

Being able to take a hot bath made An Qi relax her whole body, and she carefully washed her hair that hadn't been washed for a long time.

When she changed into her pajamas and came out, An Che just turned around to look at her, and saw that she was wearing loose pajamas, her face flushed, and her hair wet, making his eyes brighter.

He stood up, attracted by her and approached her, the temptation to wear loose clothes was more than usual.

An Qi blushed. In fact, she didn't dislike him, and was even pleased with the appreciation and closeness in his eyes.

She couldn't help but blush just being watched by his fiery gaze.

An Che walked to her, An Qi whispered: "What are you looking at?"

Unprepared, he lowered his head and found An Qi's lips and pressed them to her lips.

This kiss came very suddenly, although he would usually follow An Qi, kissing her on the cheek and forehead, but he has never directly kissed her lips like he is now.

An Qi was also a little surprised, but when his hot lips touched her, she did not resist, but felt that everything was a matter of course. In her heart, she might have fallen in love with him unknowingly. .

An Qi did not resist, but he did not move further.

After a long time, he let go of her.

An Qi blushed and said, "An Che, what are you doing?"

"I saw it played there." An Che had a smile on his face. Obviously An Qi didn't push him away, making him very happy. "He said he liked and loved, and then he kissed her..."

An Qi glanced at the TV. It was acting in an idol drama. No wonder he learned so fast. Fortunately, I didn't show him the TV show just now.

However, he only learned one fur, so he just kissed her mouth to mouth, and did nothing else.

Thinking of this, An Qi is even more embarrassed. Do you still want him to do anything else?

But it doesn't seem to be bad, anyway, the first kiss was given to him, and everything else doesn't matter, right?

An Qi stretched out her hand to hold her face and said, "Don't look."

He climbed onto the bed and buried his head in the pillow.

An Che didn't know why she was upset. He crawled over, lay down beside her, and said, "If you don't like it, I won't kiss."

An Qi raised her head and said, "Who said she didn't like it?"

"You." He emphasized, his face a little lost.

"I like it." An Qi knew that he couldn't turn around, so she raised her head and kissed him on the forehead.

His eyes suddenly lighted up again.

An Qi gave him a pillow: "This one is for you, to sleep under your head."

"It's so soft," he whispered, "but it's not as soft as Angel."

An Qi pressed the pillow on his head severely: "Go to sleep."

He slept honestly, and was accustomed to being afraid of her cold, so he hugged her in his arms.

In fact, the hotel has air conditioning, so it won't be cold at night.

An Qi did not resist him either, leaning her head on his shoulder.

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