Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1192: I think he is quite reliable

Yuan Feifan saw that An Qi didn't remember what he had done with her, and immediately said with a smile: "An Qi, you are so happy to be back. I miss you so much."

"Yeah, for the past two months, Extraordinary, I have been sleepless day and night, worrying that you will be too worried to eat and sleep, even grandpa is very sorry." Old man An said.

But An Qi knew that this was only what Yuan Feifei did when he wanted to win the trust of Old Man An.

She smiled faintly: "Really? That's really sorry for you, extraordinary."

"It's okay, I'm willing. Now that I see you back, I can finally sleep well tonight." Yuan Feifei said with a smile.

An Qi brought An Che to Grandpa An, and said with a smile: "Grandpa, it was An Che who saved me. He has been taking care of me during this period. I think, this time An Che came back with me. Let him live in Anjia."

Yuan Feifei immediately said, "Is this not so good?"

Mr. An was very happy and said, "Mr. An, thank you so much. Since An Che is An Qi's lifesaver, we must repay him when we settle in. An Qi, why don't we look for a house alone. Live for An Che, right?"

He is also worried that An Qi is not married yet, and a young man living in the family has a bad reputation for her.

Jing Yan replied and immediately agreed: "Grandpa An, I can help you find a house and help settle An Che."

Yuan Feifan also volunteered: "Grandpa An, I can also help. It happens that I have a house in the outskirts, which has been vacant, so that An Che can live in it."

An Qi said, "Isn't there an empty house opposite our house? Grandpa, let him live there."

Father Ann promised.

An Qi said immediately, "I will take An Che over."

Jing Yanhui and Yuan Feifan didn't stop them, so they had to watch An Qi leave with An Che.

For Mr. An, it is best for An Qi to come back, and he doesn't want to pursue the rest too much.

An Qi brought An Che into this house, and An Che was unwilling to separate from her, holding her and not allowing her to leave.

An Qi also felt very sorry for him, and left him alone here.

She comforted her softly: "An Che, you will live here first. I will come to see you at any time, okay? Also, this is a mobile phone. You call me. I will also call you often."

"Yeah." An Che frowned and held the phone before nodding.

An Qi kissed him on the lips, and his expression recovered.

An Qi turned and ran out.

Yuan Feifan hadn't left yet, and said with a smile: "An Qi, I've booked a dinner for you, will you have dinner together at night?"

"I just came back, a little tired, I want to take a good rest. Another day, extraordinary, sorry." An Qi said apologetically.

Yuan Feifei thoughtfully said: "Then another day, you have a good rest, I will pick you up tomorrow, and go out to relax, okay?"

"I'll talk about it tomorrow." An Qi smiled, showing no hostility towards him at all.

Yuan Feifan left.

She held Old Man An's hand and said, "Grandpa heard that you have injected a lot of capital into Extraordinary during this time?"

"Yeah. He was hurt to find you, and he was single-minded about you. I think he is pretty reliable, and you weren't there at the time, and I don't want to be old when there is no one around..." Old Man An said.

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