Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1200: Leave these things to me

"Wow, can you understand this?" An Qi said cheerfully.

An Che was wearing a suit that An Qi bought for him. His tie and shirt were neatly arranged. He sat on the sofa like this. He looked like a successful senior elite. Except for the healthy skin color of wheat, his hands and feet were more Except for ordinary people's congresses, the rest of him couldn't see the appearance of him under the cliff for a long time.

An Qi has to say that he is really a born elite fan, and he is also a born clothes hanger, able to hold everything on.

Compared to Yuan Feifan's human appearance, An Che really looked like a noble and king.

But as soon as he saw An Qi, he laughed: "An Qi. I have read all the textbooks you gave me."

"So soon, have you finished reading from elementary school to high school?" An Qi was surprised.

"Yeah, I'll watch it as soon as I'm fine, and I've read everything. I don't have to read it now, so I bought a lot of newspapers to read, and then read the news after reading it." An Che said.

An Qi saw that all the newspapers he bought were in finance and economics, and he could see that he was very interested in finance and finance, and he was very talented.

"Can you read it?" An Qi herself couldn't understand a lot.

"Well, I'll check if I don't understand." An Che pointed to the computer next to him.

That is an old computer that An Qi used before.

He also learned to type, and he was not slower than ordinary people at all.

An Qi really admired his cleverness. If he hadn't lived under a cliff since he was a child, even if he was born in an ordinary family, his future would be limitless.

An Qi smiled and said, "I'll buy you a new computer. Also, I can find some college textbooks for you. Today I am so happy that I knocked a lot of money from that bad guy."

An Che held her curiously, and wanted to hear what she had accomplished, so An Qi told him everything.

An Che nodded: "Very good. But you will leave this to me in the future, so you don't need to let Ning Yichen do it."

"Why?" An Qi thought he was jealous, and quickly clarified, "I have nothing to do with him, and the person he likes is not me."

"No...what he can do, I can also do it. You let me try." An Che has learned too much during this time, but it has never been useful.

An Qi's eyes suddenly beamed: "Okay, you can't do it better. In this world, you are one of the people I trust most. If you come to help me, that's the best."

"Yeah," An Che nodded.

After this incident passed, Yuan Feifan investigated for a long time, and did not find any flaws. He only regarded it as bad luck and lost a lot of money.

Elder An also asked An Qi, but An Qi fooled him.

Besides, Elder An is also the person who believes in An Qi the most, so he listens to what An Qi says.

After this incident, An Qi has more than two billion in her hands. With such a large amount of funds, her future things will go smoothly.

Yuan Feifan invited An Qi out for dinner again.

During the dinner, Secretary Li was also there.

An Qi had already found out her details very clearly. It turned out that she had hooked up with Yuan Feifei a long time ago. Yuan Feifei took her to work as a secretary in order to fool around with her.

The two went in openly, because they had this identity as a cover, and they didn't attract any special attention.

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