Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1221: Conditions though

Seeing An Che's look, Yuan Feifan hurriedly said, "Secretary An, what conditions do you have, just mention it, no matter what I do, I will satisfy you."

"Unfortunately, I am not interested in everything about you." An Che opened the door, "You can leave now."

"Secretary An, you!" Yuan Feifan was furious.

An Che didn't say a word again, tightly pursing his thin lips, no one could ever force him to do something, and he never worked for anyone except his willingness.

And the only person who can call him is An Qi.

An Che remained unmoved, Yuan Feifan lowered his voice and said, "An Che, I will give you another chance. You should consider it carefully, otherwise..."

Before Yuan Feifan had finished speaking, An Che's door was heavily closed on the tip of his nose.

Yuan Feifan clenched his fists.

When he left dejectedly, An Che went to An Qi's room.

When An Qi heard that Yuan Feifei was about to dig a corner, she couldn’t help but smile so that the mask fell off. She hooked An Che’s neck with her hands and said, “Yuan Feifei really thinks too much. An Che is my person. I absolutely No one will be allowed to poach him away."

"Then what's your price?" An Che's lips were smiling, playfully.

"What do you want?" An Qi's voice was delicate and soft.

"I want you." An Che lowered his head and kissed her shiny red lips, and pressed her under him.

An Qi woke up the next morning, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and smiled at An Che beside her.

He had already gotten up, wrapped in a bath towel, and water stains on his eight pack abs, making him look **** and charming.

An Qi had seen him like this many times, and she couldn't help but blush.

Suddenly remembering something, she smiled and said, "By the way, An Che, I know that there is an event that invited the two of us to participate in an event tonight. You have to come with me."

"Good." An Che agreed to An Qi's request, "What activity?"

"It seems to be a charity dinner, and there will be auctions at the dinner. I heard that many celebrities in Jingzhou City will go. It is difficult to get a ticket for the entrance ticket. Zhifei reserved one for the two of us." An Qi Smiled and took out the admission ticket.

"How come three?" An Che asked.

An Qi smiled slyly: "You'll know in a moment."

She and An Che packed up and went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.

Yuan Feifan came too, and smiled flatteringly when he came: "An Qi, I heard that there is a charity dinner in Jingzhou City tonight. There are a lot of people going there, but it's hard to find a ticket. Do you have any news? ?"

"I have also heard about it. I heard that even the President may be present tonight." An Qi said in an exaggerated tone. "If you can attend tonight's event, you can meet a lot of people. It's all disadvantaged."

Yuan Feifei was even more interested: "An Qi, do you have any way to get the ticket?"

"I don't have any channels. I heard that the admission ticket tonight has been scrambled for tens of thousands of dollars, but there are still some local bosses who can't get the ticket. I think we are also hanging." An Qi He said while drinking the juice.

Yuan Feifei gritted his teeth: "An Qi, I will give out 200,000. If there is a way, I am willing to ask for a 200,000 admission ticket."

"If you have money, you don't necessarily get it. I'll give you a call and you can ask yourself. This person is from the Yun family and has worked in Jingzhou City. If he can't help it, I can't help it." An Qi gave Yuan Feifan a number.

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