Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1334: You also have two children

Tomorrow night Leng was overjoyed: "Weiwei has a baby? Let me see."

Someone had brought Yunwei’s three children to Ming Ye Leng. Ming Ye Leng didn’t have any intuitive concept of the fact that he was in a coma for more than a year last night. Now he saw the children and realized that he was really unconscious. too long.

He loves the child holding Yunwei very much, just as he loves Yunwei.

Yun Lan said: " also have two children."

"Me?" Ming Ye raised his eyebrows coldly, in disbelief. Before he fell into a coma, he had never had anything to do with any woman. He always didn't like to be like other brothers, fooling around outside, where would there be children?

Yun Lan told him what happened and said, "A Leng, don't blame your elders for interfering in your private affairs. It's really a very bad situation at the beginning. Fortunately, with An Che, you can wake up safely. ."

By now, it is impossible to blame the elders for the cold tomorrow. The child has been born and is now well raised in the presidential palace, only not much younger than Yunwei's child.

Mingye Leng could only accept this result.

However, he really couldn't have any feelings for these two children. He didn't know who their mother was, he had no feelings for their mothers, and naturally he couldn't have feelings for the children.

Men would have been slower to enter the role of father. If it weren’t for their love for their wives, how could they continue to their children so easily?

Yun Lan can also understand Ming Ye's cold mood, knowing that he can't be forced, but fortunately, the child is not unmanned, so it doesn't matter.

Yun Wei and Lu Zhanting just heard about the cold surrogacy tomorrow night. The matter is a foregone conclusion. There is nothing to say, but the two children are distressed.

After tomorrow’s cold night, you must marry a wife and have children. The existence of these two children is very embarrassing.

Yun Wei couldn't help feeling more affection for these two children, so she let people hug them and put them on her own. Later, she and Lu Zhanting could play with them for a while.

Yun Wei walked to Ming Ye Leng's side again, looking at him up and down, and seeing that he was really well, her eyes could not help but become slightly moist.

An Qi and An Che walked in.

Yun Wei was so happy that she could meet her two older brothers, and said with a smile: "Brother, have you met Brother An Che?"

"I have seen it. The medicine to treat my illness was brought back by An Che." Ming Ye Leng Wei said his jaw slightly.

Yun Wei couldn't help laughing: "It turns out that Brother An Che not only saved me, but also you. Brother An Che is really our greatest blessing."

An Che nodded: "It's fine if you are all right."

An Qi couldn't help smiling and said, "Viwei, where are the children? I really want to see them."

"Just now Mommy took someone out. In the garden, you can go and see them." Yun Wei said with a smile, "Your aunt is really competent. In the future, the children will definitely like you the most."

An Qi was teased by Yun Wei, smiled and itched her, the whole presidential palace echoed with laughter.

Although Lu Zhanting was busy with state affairs, he stayed here with Yun Wei and the children for a few days before leaving for country c.

Yun Lan, Ming Ye Leng, and An Che were unwilling to give up Yun Wei, and left her to live with the children for a few more days.

It was originally intended to let them live for a week before returning home.

But in less than three days, Lu Zhanting couldn't stand the days without Yun Wei, so he personally came to pick Yun Wei back.

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