Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1355: That's your baby

An Qi can't help but laugh at him every time. It's really fat and water that doesn't flow to outsiders. An Che now has a variety of companies under her name, but she can find opportunities to give each other resources.

However, it was also thanks to An Che's powerful mind that he was able to play so many things smoothly, and it seemed effortless.

But it is not easy for any ordinary person to achieve one-tenth of his, let alone achieve his height.

When the news reached the presidential palace, Mingyu and Yun Lan also breathed a sigh of relief, and were even more impressed by the son's abilities.

Ming Ye Leng also praised An Che, no wonder he was unwilling to stay in the presidential palace.

Although the power of the Presidential Palace is huge, it is only a small world. For An Che, it will never be a help, but it is a limitation.

He fits and needs a broader world to allow him to soar.

The three brothers and sisters of the Yun family have their own areas of expertise and their own development directions. Such three brothers and sisters promote each other without any disputes. This is the most rare thing.

Yun Lan really sighed again and again: "Someone else’s family has a little more child. When I was young, it’s good to add countless warmth to the family, but once it’s older and less important, it will fight for power and profit, which makes people headache. Fortunately, our family’s third child Every child has his own clear and firm goals. Let us be parents and they won’t worry about these things."

Mingyu shook her hand and said, "That's good for your baby."

"Isn't it your child?" Yun Lan joked with a smile.

Tomorrow night Leng also stood aside, more decisive in his heart. He is now the successor to the presidential palace that his father has cultivated, and he definitely cannot let his father down.

In the future, he will also stand in the presidential palace with his own strength. This is his decision and his responsibility.

Yun Wei and An Che have made their own progress. He has been in a coma for a year and is somewhat behind.

But in the future, he can definitely catch up.

In this incident, An Che and An Qi didn’t mention the Ling family a word, but the Ling family’s reputation was greatly affected because of the whole incident. Everyone regarded them as the culprits and regarded them as the culprits. A scheming green tea bitch.

But on the face of it, the Anshi Group has not mentioned them, nor can they stand up to clarify. If they take the initiative to answer the question, wouldn’t they admit that they are involved in this matter?

Madam Ling had never experienced such a sorrowful loss before, and she was furious with An Che and An Qi, but she had no chance of it.

She dropped a lot of things in her hand to vent her anger, but still couldn't vent her anger.

Ling Haotian and Ling Ruoxue were even more silent, afraid to provoke their angry mother.

Because of this incident, Ling Zong was attacked by political opponents, making him very frustrated, but he could only suffer from it.

The Ling family, never before had it been like this before, being played in the palm of the hand by a small An's group.

They hate and fear the Anshi Group even more.

Now I finally don't dare to take a little contempt. Let me ask a man like An Che who is strategizing, it is very difficult for them to meet a few in their lifetime, so why dare to despise An Che?

This also strengthened Ling Ruoxue's determination to use An Che as her own use.

Looking at the entire Jingzhou City, there is only Lu Zhanting who has the ability like An Che.

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