Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1357: Wait for the opportunity to start

I found that the Wang family wanted to win An Che more urgently than their Ling family, and even promised An Che that when the Wang family had won the project of the sea-crossing bridge, the best part would be given to the An's Group to do it.

The sea-crossing bridge is another largest construction project after the construction of the new district. The so-called sea-crossing is to connect two countries separated by a strait with a sea-crossing bridge. In this way, the two countries can be more Good intercommunication trade and goods, better business development activities.

This is also of great benefit to the commercial development of country s.

It's just that now, the cross-sea bridge has not yet determined who will do it, nor has it been determined who is qualified to complete such a project no less than the construction of a new area.

Hearing Ling Ruoxue’s report, Ling Zongheng snorted coldly: “The Wang family promises that Anche will give part of the sea-crossing bridge project to An’s Group? It seems that their Wang family’s project for this sea-crossing bridge is bound to win. I didn’t see that the Wang family had such big ambitions.”

"And I asked, Wang Jinhu's daughter Wang Yulin also likes An Che very much, and is planning to draw An Che to her side." When Ling Ruoxue mentioned An Che, she showed a blushing expression.

She really liked An Che for a long time, but because An Che hurt the Ling family many times, she didn't dare to express her feelings too bluntly. Every time she mentioned it, it was only for the sake of the Ling family to win over An Che. For the first reason.

Compared with her, Wang Yulin's pursuit of An Che is blatant.

Ling Zongheng said: "No hurry, this time we must wait for the opportunity before starting."

Ling Ruoxue had to wait patiently, and now the Ling family had lost the powerful Ling Juetian, Ling Haotian was a rather sloppy person, and Ling Ruoxue knew that all this was in a hurry.

Wang Yulin eagerly pursued An Che. An Che and An Qi did not directly indicate that they were a romantic relationship in public, because the things they always felt emotional were their own private affairs and did not need to be explained by outsiders.

During this period of time, Wang Yulin sent some flowers, jewels, and so on to An Che's side from time to time. It was like a man's passion and eagerness to pursue a woman.

However, the outside world is not surprised. People who have seen An Che's appearance and momentum know how attractive he is, coupled with his great ability, it is normal to have an idiot fan.

In addition to Wang Yulin, many other women also often give An Che various things. Sometimes, the entire company's mail room will be filled with these things, so other things can't be put down, which affects the work. .

In this way, it seemed that Wang Yulin had no other intentions, but simply pursued An Che.

Of course, there are many people who like An Qi, and there are also many people who admire her.

The things An Qi and An Che received to eat, use, and wear were almost endlessly entering the mail room.

At the beginning, An Qi still felt that it was difficult to handle these things.

Use it by yourself. If there are too many, you can't use it. If you want to return it, many things don't even have an address, and it is impossible to record them in the same way, and then express them back.

Looking at so many things, it really makes people feel very worried.

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