Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1360: Poached her secretary

"But what?" When the Wang family heard An Che agree, they were all surprised and happy.

I didn't expect that the magic power of the QC Group was so great. I knew that I didn't have to think of other ways. I should use this method to win over An Che.

However, their hearts were suspended by An Che's words again, and they looked straight at An Che and listened to his conditions.

The aura of a long-time leader between An Che's eyebrows and eyes made them suddenly feel a lot of pressure.

It stands to reason that Wang Jinhu is all going to run for the president. How could someone outperform him?

But they just couldn't ignore the incomparable and powerful aura exuding from An Che.

An Che said indifferently: "Since it is the QC Group's intention, let them give me a written proof, is it feasible?"

Wang Zhenbei was a little embarrassed.

He represents himself, not the QC Group at all. Where can I get a written certificate for An Che?

But in order to stabilize An Che's heart, he bit his head and said, "Secretary An, what's the difficulty of this? I'll let you give it to you."

What he was thinking about was that he had never seen the big boss behind the QC Group, and An Che had no chance to see it, so if you tell a simple lie, there is no risk of being exposed.

At that time, as long as An Che helped Wang Jinhu win the presidency, there would be no need to worry about the rest.

At that time, even the QC Group will have to come and surrender to the Wang family.

When An Che heard him say this, he couldn't help but chuckle. There was a little contempt in the laughter, but the Wang family who was happy didn't even hear it.

An Che smiled and said, "If this is the case, then I will wait for the QC Group's notification document. Sorry, everyone, I have something else, so I won't stay for dinner."

"Secretary An, QC Group will notify you of the documents soon, stay and have dinner together..." Wang Zhenbei said.

"No." An Che stood up and said with his jaw.

An Qi also stood up. At this time, everyone realized that they were poaching her secretary in front of An Qi.

But the people of the Wang family didn't put An Qi in their eyes. She was just a girl from the city of Hengzhou. Even if she had something to do with the presidential palace, it was not enough.

An Qi glanced at them deeply.

An Qi and An Che couldn't help being funny when they went out. They didn't expect that the people of the dignified king's family would not blink their eyes when they lied.

However, the struggle in Jingzhou City has always been the same. Everyone uses their own methods, and it depends on whose methods are better.

Just about to get in the car, Wang Yulin hurried over and said with a smile: "Secretary An, this is the QC Group notice that my uncle asked me to send you."

"So fast?" An Che raised his eyebrows, really funny, why doesn't his boss know so many things?

It seems that the QC Group should also rectify it.

Wang Yulin is very gentle: "Because I want to invite Secretary An as soon as possible, no, it's Che Shao, come to our Wang's house to work, so we naturally want to speed up the progress. Che Shao, I really welcome you."

She stretched out her hand, and An Che also stretched out her hand, but instead of shaking hands with her as she expected, she went straight to the notification document in her hand and picked it up to watch.

Wang Yulin was a little embarrassed, shrugged and looked at An Qi.

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