Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1362: One by one

An Qi was a little surprised: "Didn't Wang Yulin give you medicine? Why did she faint? What did she ask her to do in my car?"

An Che looked at Wang Yulin contemptuously and said, "Not only did she want to get me, she also arranged for someone to hurt you. Now, she has to bear the result by herself. Let's go."

An Qi was surprised. She didn't expect Wang Yulin to come up with such a way to treat herself.

An Qi really never had any grudges with Wang Yulin.

Holding An Qi's petite body, An Che strode into another car.

The medicine he gave to Wang Yulin was even heavier. I am afraid that I could not wake up all night. It was just the herbs he used to confuse animals under the cliff before. For An Che, there was no difficulty.

Wang Yulin was lying in An Qi's car, which was parked in the shadow of the tree.

At night, the line of sight is not very good.

The subordinates that Wang Yulin arranged by herself quickly found An Qi's car. The people who did bad things were panicked, and it was dark, they didn't even see that this person was Wang Yulin and not An Qi.

These subordinates usually rarely have direct contact with the tall lady. Now they see that this is An Qi’s car and the people in the car are motionless. Anyway, they are all women with soft body and soft body. They didn’t think much. Soon he went to vent, and then recorded the situation.

When all three of them were satisfied, they picked up the camera to slip away.

Just about to slip away, An Che's people appeared and took the video from them. These people thought it was Wang Yulin's person who came to take the video. They didn't have any doubts, and left after handing it in.

An Che took the video in his hand and gave it to his confidant to keep it safe. This thing will be useful in the future.

He didn't look at An Qi's car again, and let people drive away.

An Qi couldn't help but shook her head. All this was requested by the Wang family.

It is hard to believe that lying, drugging, and raping, one after another, is a trick made by a quasi-presidential person.

Although the Ling family are also very mean, they still have some wisdom, and they rely on their minds to do things.

This royal family is simply despicable to the point of indescribable.

Feeling An Qi trembling slightly, An Che hugged her tightly and said in a low voice, "It's okay. Everything is under control."

He never thought of putting An Qi in danger. Just now he dared to drink the medicine Wang Yulin gave, and he was quite sure that he would not faint.

An Qi's safety has always been within his consideration.

Early the next morning, An Che ordered someone to send the video to Ling's house and to Madam Ling's hands.

Then he called the Wang family and said indifferently, "Sorry, Mr. Wang, I think I still can't accept working at the Wang family. It's more comfortable in Anjia."

"Secretary An, don't forget, even the people from QC Group said that you should come to the Wang family to help. You have to know that our Wang family has a good relationship with QC Group, and you help us to help QC Group. Secretary An , You don’t understand this, right?” Wang Zhenbei said angrily. Could it be that An Che saw that the notification document was fake?

But it shouldn't. Outsiders can't see that there is a problem with the file. An Che is only cooperating with QC Group, and it is impossible to tell.

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