Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1376: The girl I really like

Thinking of this, Madam Ling couldn't help being cold sweat, and Wang Jinhu was also sweaty.

The Wang Family and Ling Family stopped their attacks on their opponents at the same time, and stopped temporarily.

The outside world only thought they were tired of the attack and consumed a lot of funds from the consortium behind them, so they stopped.

Little did they know that they realized at the same time that the mutual attacks this time were all within An Che's calculations.

This young man's calculation ability and planning are far above them.

But now it’s too late to regret, things have been done, a lot of money has been spent, and reputation is almost lost.

So after An Che returned to country s, both the Ling family and the Wang family hated him deeply.

An Qi also noticed this. After reading the newspaper for two days, there was no news of the Wang family and Ling family attacking each other.

She couldn't help saying: "An Che, the Ling family and the Wang family have stopped."

"They are not stupid, knowing that the current attack is a waste of consumption," An Che said with a lip curled, "but it has been consumed almost, and there is no way to restore them to their original grand occasions after stopping."

An Qi said worriedly: "An Che, I'm afraid they will hurt you together."

An Che rubbed her hair and whispered, "After so many things, are you still worried about me?"

An Qi smiled: "With your ability, I am naturally not worried that you can't deal with it. However, it is easy to hide from the gun and the arrow is difficult to prevent, so we should guard against these two families."

An Che nodded: "I know. Don't worry, I still have to be by your side. How could something happen?"

The sweet smile on An Qi's face couldn't be hidden, and she hugged him and said, "Then you have to remember what you said, and never get into trouble."

"Of course." An Che pressed her into his arms.

"By the way, go to the presidential palace at night and take a look at Aleng's two children." An Qi said, "the two of them are so pitiful. The presidential palace does not want Aleng to bear criticism and has never announced their existence. ."

An Che nodded slightly. He knew that Mingyu, as the president, had many restrictions. Fortunately, everyone in the Ming family still loved these two children, and there would not be too much lack of education for these two children.

When An Qi and An Che passed by at night, Yun Lan was taking care of the two children.

An Che asked, "Mummy, where is A Leng?"

"He is in the study." Yun Lan smiled, "Go up and find him."

An Che strode upstairs.

An Qi sat down to tease the children, and the two children were also very cute.

She asked softly: "Auntie, does Leng Shao still dislike the two children?"

Yun Lan shook his head: "These are two children who have been imposed on him. It is normal for him not to like it. He has a high spirit and naturally wants to find a girl he really likes, and then have the crystallization of his love."

An Qi looked at the two children distressedly, because the situation of the two of them was really a bit embarrassing because of the cold and unloving tomorrow.

Mr. Ming and Mrs. Ming also really regretted it, but how could they look at Ming Ye Leng without blood remaining in the world under the circumstances?

"Good boy, auntie hug." An Qi took the child and hugged him.

An Qi didn't know what to say to persuade Yun Lan, so she could only help take care of the two children so that they could feel more care, so that they would not be missing too much because their parents were not there.

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