Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1380: Re-elected president

Not only that, but the presidential campaign has also started as scheduled.

There are a total of ten candidates for the presidential election this time.

Mingyu is re-elected, and the other most powerful competitors are Ling Zong of the Ling family and Wang Jinhu of the Wang family.

But when it came time for the campaign, the Ling family and the Wang family discovered that they had already consumed a lot of money and reputation in the competition with An Che.

Now, the huge Ling Family and Wang Family are a little empty.

They originally had a chance to fight Mingyu, but now after the start of the campaign, they realized that their popular support rate had dropped to the lowest point long ago.

On the contrary, Mingyu has not done anything special during this period, but he has always worked hard and steadily. He is very pragmatic and has a very good image.

As soon as the campaign began, Mingyu's approval rating was far ahead.

As for the other candidates, either the funds were not in place, or their abilities were limited, and they soon lost.

And the Ling Family and Wang Family, although they survived to the end, they consumed huge manpower, material resources and financial resources, and in the end they did not get anything.

Mingyu successfully re-elected president successfully.

All of this, although Mingyu and Ming Ye Leng have worked hard and worked hard for so many years, it is absolutely indispensable for An Che to take action and mediate the credit.

After Mingyu was elected, in the family dinner, in front of Yunwei, Lu Zhanting, Ming Ye Leng and others, he also highly affirmed what An Che had done for him.

All the children of the Ming family did not compete and compete like other giants, and all felt proud and proud of An Che's current powerful ability.

Now everyone is very promising. This was originally the fortune of the Ming family and everyone's blessing.

Yun Wei and Lu Zhanting stayed at the Presidential Palace, staying for three days before leaving, and then went to Lu's house for two days before Lu Zhanting returned to China with Yun Wei.

In the presidential palace, everything is fine now, except for the two children and Ming Ye Leng are always at odds.

Looking at the two children coldly tomorrow night, the two children are naturally afraid of him.

In a blink of an eye, he has reached the age where the children can walk, and Ming Ye Leng has never intervened or even touched them.

On the contrary, he has been arranging people to find the whereabouts of the girl he met during the war.

However, the situation was critical at the time, and he did not ask her what her name was, or even knew who she was and where she lived.

Except for the blue studs on her ears, he couldn't even remember what she looked like.

Damn it.

Every time I think of this, Mingye Leng must curse in a low voice to suppress the anger in my heart.

"Let's keep looking. Look in the original air-raid shelter to see if anyone has an impression and has seen such a girl." Ming Ye Leng told his subordinates.

Subordinates hesitate to speak, but in fact, they have been to country c many times.

But now the war in country c has long since calmed down. Many air-raid shelters have been used as underground parking lots. Soldiers who participated in the war are everywhere. It is so difficult to find a girl who does not know her exact appearance and her name?

Seeing Mingye's cold attitude and firm attitude, the subordinates were not good at persuading anything, so they had to bow their heads and continue to search.

Although knowing that there will be no results, since it is a task to be confessed tomorrow night, everyone will naturally do their best.

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