Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1382: Identity is really strange

Ling Zongheng immediately said: "But during this period of time, Wang Jinhu and I discovered that An Che's identity was really strange. We found that he had walked out in the mountains and his identity was unknown. Later, he followed An Qi and his surname was An Qi. His surname has his current career. According to geography, half of the mountain he came out of is on the territory of another country. Looking at his appearance and his blood, we have reason to believe that An Che is the one People from the country, not from our country. Mr. President must not be clear about An Che’s identity, right? You use a foreigner in such a way, how do our natives feel?"

The Ling family and Wang family finally found out An Che's identity, so they immediately took the opportunity to make trouble.

They are very clear that the people of country s all have unparalleled pride and pride in their country. Everyone is proud of having loved and betrayed the country.

Once An Che's identity is established as a foreign descent, no matter how capable An Che is and how powerful his abilities are, then he will always be the person to be attacked in the future.

When An Qi heard this, she stood up angrily and said: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Ling, what you said is too arbitrary? Since you also said that half of the mountain is the land of country s, Why must it be determined that An Che is from the other half of the country and not from the country s?"

"Miss An, of course, we have read countless books and consulted countless experts to make this determination. Look at An Che, he has a very small blood type, and his appearance and height are very biased towards that country. It’s extraordinarily tall, the nose is extraordinarily tall, and the eyes are divine. Doesn’t this mean anything? This niche blood type can easily appear in that country, but it’s in our country. Not much." Wang Jinhu also stood up and said.

Anyway, the Ling family and the Wang family determined that An Che was a foreigner, and they found a lot of evidence to prove it.

The people at the scene were all in an uproar. Although this was arbitrary, it was not impossible.

It is indeed a manifestation of irresponsibility to entrust such an important project as the construction of the new district to a foreigner.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, targeting An Che and Mingyu.

This matter will definitely get heated discussion and opposition from the entire nation.

In short, the Ling family and the Wang family sent An Che to a controversial position in one fell swoop.

The patriotism of s country is really too high. If they really take things like this, An Che's life in the future will probably be difficult.

Even Mingyu will be greatly affected.

Mingyu and Ming Ye Leng discussed, and also discussed with An Che, and decided to announce An Che's true identity.

Seeing the people in the Ming family have been discussing, Wang Jinhu and Ling Zongheng were very happy. They really didn't expect that they could use such a means to coerce Mingyu and An Che's reputation in one fell swoop.

If they knew to use this trick earlier, they wouldn't have lost so badly before.

This time, they learned deeply how to use the people's emotions to fan their hatred and hatred for An Che and Mingyu.

However, they guessed a lot of things correctly and calculated a lot of things.

The only thing that hasn't been calculated is that all their assumptions and premises are wrong.

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