Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1386: We have a baby

In fact, if everyone can cooperate with each other, it will be beneficial to everyone.

An Qi and An Che got married successfully. With everyone's blessing, the wedding went very well.

After their marriage, An Qi and An Che did not move to the Presidential Palace.

An Che has no attachment to power.

The only thing he needs to do now is to handle the construction of the new district and the affairs of the QC Group.

An Qi has always been his most powerful right and left hand, assisting him and helping with all affairs.

But An Che has never planned to have children.

An Qi herself wants children very much. Now when everything is going smoothly, she and An Che don't need to worry too much.

The time is right, and their feelings are right to have children.

On this day, she finally couldn't help but prepared a sumptuous dinner and red wine.

When An Che came back, seeing her preparation, she couldn't help but put a smile on her face.

He stepped forward to embrace her and whispered: "What is a good day today?"

"Guess what." An Qi stepped forward, hugging his lean waist, and said, "It's better to sit down and eat."

Seeing her gentle smile, An Che couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Okay."

An Qi poured him a full glass of red wine, and said, "You drink it first."

Since it was An Qi's wine, why he had to drink it, An Che raised his head and drank it.

An Qi didn't think much about eating at all, instead pouring him a cup of wine.

An Che's eyes quickly became intoxicated, and when he looked at her, his smile was a little hazy.

When An Qi saw it was almost time, she stepped forward and sat in his arms, reaching out to play with his tie.

An Che cut her hands backhand and kissed her lips. This little woman wanted him to play so many tricks.

When did he act like he didn't want to give it?

If you don't feed her well tonight, he is not An Che.

He stretched his hand to loosen his tie, and also lifted her skirt.

All the rooms are hot.

He was about to take contraceptive measures, An Qi grabbed his hand and whispered: "Don't..."

"I want..." An Che gritted his teeth.

An Qi attached to his ear: "An Che, let's have a baby."

An Che's hand froze for a while, and An Qi pleaded: "An Che...let's have a child. Don't you want a child that belongs to us?"

Her voice was gentle and beautiful, she actively grabbed him, ignored his obstruction, and started to move.

An Che let out a sigh of relief and turned his passive actions into active actions.

An Che didn't let go of her until they were all overwhelmed by joy.

An Qi’s voice was a little bit resentful: "An Che, why are you reluctant every time you mention having a baby? Don’t you want us to have our own children?"

"Fool, I'm just worried about you." An Che's voice was tense.

An Qi stood up, looked at his deep black eyes, and said, "Worry about me? I'm in good health and there is no problem in getting pregnant. And now our condition is also very suitable. If I am pregnant now, I will be in the future. It’s easy to recover. I don’t want to wait until I’m in my thirties to have a baby."

"An Qi... I saw Yun Wei so painful to have a child before, and almost experienced life and death. I really dare not let you have a child." An Che said his deep concern, his brows darkened slightly.

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