Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1390: She definitely can't stand it

An Qi took the ice cream and said, "I can't eat it anymore. Just now I saw Guo Huaijin walking by with a woman."

"Guo Huaijin?" An Che thought for a moment before remembering that it was Jian Zhifei's fiancé, whom he had met during dinner.

No wonder An Qi was so angry, it turned out that this man was carrying Jian Zhifei on his back.

He asked softly: "Did you see clearly?"

"I can see it clearly. If he is not the fiancé who knows the wrong, I would not pay attention to him at all. I just looked at it a few more times." An Qi was so angry that he couldn't eat the ice cream.

An Che squinted slightly and said, "Should I find someone to warn him?"

"Forget it. No, I have to call Zhifei. She has always been arrogant. It is better for her to handle her own affairs. Otherwise, she will definitely not be able to stand it later. "An Qi said, taking out her phone.

An Che had never encountered such a thing, but seeing her puffed up, he knew how deeply women hated the betrayal of men.

He couldn't control other men, but he knew he would never do such a thing.

If An Qi is going to be heartbroken, it is absolutely impossible for him to forgive himself.

An Qi called Jian Zhifei and nestled in An Che's arms, unable to eat a bite of ice cream.

An Che hugged her and whispered: "Let Jian Zhifei handle it by herself, that's her man. Isn't it okay if your man is fine?"

An Che gently and patiently persuaded her. It took a long time before An Qi came over and said, "Okay, let's go to the hospital. I don't want my mood to affect the baby, so that she will become a baby at birth. Sentimental girl."

"Okay." An Che took An Qi to the hospital.

When Jian Zhifei received An Qi's call, her hands were trembling, and her eyelashes trembled for a while before she recovered.

She and Guo Huaijin grew up together, from kindergarten to university, they were both in the same school. It can be said that they are childhood sweethearts.

Although Guo Huaijin's family conditions are also well-off, they are far worse than Jian's.

Because of this, Jian Zhifei always respects his personal life and wishes, and carefully maintains his mood.

Even in order not to make him think too much, when he was eighteen years old, he became engaged to him.

How much happiness there was before, how much sadness there is now.

Guo Huaijin was so good to her before, but now it hurts her how deeply.

Jian Zhifei knew that this time, he really should make up his mind to break up.

She called Guo Huaijin, and he said that he was handling things in the hotel.

Jian Zhifei quickly drove downstairs to his hotel and bought his favorite dessert and coffee. Then he went upstairs and knocked on Guo Huaijin's room door.

When opening the door, Guo Huaijin looked at the things she was holding, somewhat grateful and a little surprised: "Zhifei, why are you here? Didn't I say that I will take care of things soon and pick you up?"

"No, you worked so hard for our company. I came to see if you should be." Jian Zhifei smiled on his face. When he saw Sheng Yurou sitting on the sofa, he couldn't help it. The throat tightened.

Guo Huaijin's attitude was langlang, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior, and said: "Knowing wrong, Yurou is here to help me deal with something."

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