Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1392: Suppress your temper

"It's okay, you can go to work." Guo Huaijin looked at the gentle Sheng Yurou, and he still felt a little helpful.

Sheng Yurou worked for a while, and suddenly she said, "By the way, Mr. Guo, you helped me advance my salary and repaid my student loan. I really appreciate you. My mother also said that I am very grateful to you. She bought a lot today. Cai, please come over for dinner to express your gratitude to you, will you go?"

"Go." Guo Huaijin felt that he had no affair, so why not go?

So in the evening, he naturally went to Sheng Yurou's house.

Sheng Yurou's mother, of course, treated him as a prospective son-in-law.

An Qi had sent someone to follow Guo Huaijin, and when she heard the news, she was furious.

An Che was busy rubbing her belly.

An Qi said angrily: "An Che, if it was you, a common friend or employee who asked you to go home alone for dinner, would you go? Would you go to the hotel to work with your colleagues?"

"No, especially women." An Che thought for a while and said, "Just as I, as a man, don't want you to go alone on a date that is irrelevant to a male friend."

"Yes. But this Guo Huaijin doesn't have such a sense of boundaries at all. Does he really think that this won't hurt Zhifei?" An Qi said angrily.

An Che rubbed her lower abdomen: "Don't be anxious, the child should be anxious for a while."

An Qi finally suppressed her temper.

She asked Jian Zhifei to eat together, and after a while Jian Zhifei came, she should really persuade her to put down the scumbag.

Zhifei came soon. Not only did she not have the sadness and haggardness that An Qi imagined, she was dressed with exquisite makeup and very proper makeup.

Zhifei is such a strong girl, even if she is sad, she will digest it when there is no one, and will not bring it to friends, especially An Qi is still pregnant.

She smiled and took the seat, An Qi asked softly: "Zhifei, do you know all about Guo Huaijin?"

"I know." Zhifei not only knew that this man was not worth entrusting for life, but also knew his sense of no boundaries.

So she has decided to give up.

Now she is going to fight a Sheng Yurou, there will be two, three, four, five and countless Sheng Yurou waiting for her in this life.

She doesn't have so much leisure time, spending so much time on a man who is not worth it.

"Then you break up?" An Qi has always been daring to love and hate. With An Che pampering, she can make decisions quickly.

Used to being spoiled by An Che, she can no longer tolerate any betrayal from a man.

Jian Zhifei shook his head and took a sip: "No."

"Why?" An Qi exclaimed, emotional.

An Che was busy comforting her: "Good boy, boy."

Zhifei couldn't help laughing: "An Qi, if you make a fuss, An Che will blame me in his heart. Don't get angry about my affairs anymore. I have my own sense of this matter. You know, I I will never live on anyone else. I am myself, with my own excitement."

Seeing her self-confident expression, An Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Huh...Yes, I almost forgot what kind of person you Jian Zhifei are. I really worry about you for nothing."

As she spoke, she couldn't help laughing.

Jian Zhifei also laughed: "I always remember that An Qi is a very loyal person to friends."

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