Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1396: Deceive too much

Zhifei rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Sheng Yurou, you can go out to work."

"Miss Jian, you forgive me, you forgive me and I'll go out." Sheng Yurou said immediately, as if she was weeping, it seemed that someone had bullied her.

Zhifei didn't bother to tell her, bowed his head to deal with his files.

Seeing that she was aloof, Sheng Yurou didn't want to care about her appearance, and her heart was stabbed. She knew she was not bad enough, but she could only work for Jian Zhifei.

Two people who are obviously alike in everything, Jian Zhifei but have everything, standing in front of her, they can only feel ashamed.

Sheng Yurou bit her lip and said, "Ms. Jian, are you angry that Mr. Guo visited my house yesterday? Actually, we did nothing. My mother and I just thanked Mr. Guo for helping to repay the student loan. Ms. Jian Do you really want to feel that there is something between us? Mr. Guo and I have not even touched our little finger."

Sheng Yurou's trick is to retreat to advance, to force her to get angry and angry. She knows how can Zhifei tolerate her fiance going to a female employee's house casually?

But Zhifei just raised his eyes and smiled slightly: "Yeah, don't you say that I haven't remembered yet. The company provides benefits for every new employee, and Huai Jin has won the repayment of the student loan for you. That is. Sheng Yurou, remember to write the IOU, this is the advance salary."

"But Mr. Guo said..." Sheng Yurou thought of what Guo Huaijin had said. He helped her out with the money and prevented her from writing the IOU, but facing Jian Zhifei, Sheng Yurou still shut up.

It's not that she is unwilling to say it to stimulate her knowledge, but she is afraid that after she speaks it, what should Zhifei really make her call an IOU?

Tens of thousands of dollars can be earned for nothing. Why should she bear it?

"Just let Mr. Guo come over, write an IOU." Zhifei smiled.

Sheng Yurou made a scene in vain. Originally, she wanted to stimulate Zhifei and make Zhifei go crazy, so she could ask for a little pity on Guo Huaijin's side.

Who knows instead put himself into it.

She held back her tears and found Guo Huaijin, and cried without speaking.

Guo Huaijin said hurriedly, "Yurou, are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

"Mr. Guo, I..." Sheng Yurou cried out of breath, tears streaming down.

Guo Huaijin looked distressed and frowned and said, "Did you know that you were scolded? She bullied you?"

"No, no, Mr. Guo, regardless of Ms. Jian's business..." Sheng Yurou was begging for everything, crying as small as a cat. Which man's Tiehan Rouchang didn't move?

But the more she said this, the more Guo Huaijin felt that she was bullied by knowing wrong.

It's not that he doesn't know that Zhifei's character is free and easy.

He immediately said: "I'll go to Zhifei and say, you come with me."

"Mr. Guo, no, Miss Jian really didn't bully me. Don't quarrel with her because of me, and make her unhappy... Mr. Guo, don't quarrel with Miss Jian." Sheng Yurou pulled him. arm.

But the more she was like this, the more Guo Huaijin felt that she was pitiful, not easy, and knew that she was too deceived.

Angrily, he pulled Sheng Yurou into Jian Zhifei's office.

Zhifei was dealing with the things in his hands, and saw that the two of them were pulling, sitting upright, smiling at them.

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