Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1398: Pure friendship is tainted by money

Zhi Fei said calmly: "The company lent money to Sheng Yurou, hoping she would write an IOU."

"You said to withdraw her salary in advance to give her the money for the student loan?" Guo Huaijin frowned.

The project to help employees borrowed money was proposed by acquaintance, and she wanted to stabilize the employees' hearts.

It was Guo Huaijin who helped Sheng Yurou borrow money.

According to the truth, borrowing money to write IOUs is justified and there is nothing to refute.

However, Guo Huaijin felt pity for Xiangxiyu and patted his chest. He paid the money for Sheng Yurou.

Now knowing whether to ask, he can't directly say that he helped Sheng Yurou out the money.

Zhifei smiled and said: "Yes, other employees who borrowed their wages for various reasons have written IOUs, and Sheng Yurou should write one too. They are all company employees, and they must have a good balance."

Sheng Yurou raised her head, took a look at Guo Huaijin with watery eyes, and then quickly lowered her head.

Guo Huaijin sympathized with her and pityed her, but he couldn't help her in the face of knowledge.

He said: "Yurou, go write one."

Sheng Yurou had to tearfully write the IOU.

Guo Huaijin looked up at Zhifei, with a decent smile on Zhifei's face, and could not see any other emotions.

Her facial features are extremely glamorous, and her whole body also exaggerates the dazzling brilliance that is hard to ignore.

She was born wealthy, loved by many since she was a child, received the best education, talented, and naturally can match such dazzling.

She was proud and free and easy, that was her birth, everything about her was long ago.

Guo Huaijin was still very reluctant to know what was wrong. Looking at her like this, his eyes could not help but show infatuation.

If it were in the past, Zhifei would definitely have the tenderness of a little daughter because of his obsession.

But now, she just smiled calmly, decently and elegantly, looking at Guo Huaijin and Sheng Yurou.

Guo Huaijin approached her and said softly: "Zhifei, are you doing anything tonight?"

"To see the customer, have you forgotten?" Zhifei asked with a smile.

Guo Huaijin then remembered that he was indeed going to see a client, even he was going.

He smiled: "Well, I will pick you up tonight, and then go together."

Sheng Yurou had already written the IOU and got it to Jian Zhifei aggrieved, as if she had suffered some humiliation.

Zhifei took it and put it in the folder.

"Well, you go out first." Zhifei said with a smile.

Sheng Yurou walked out, and Guo Huaijin saw that her thin back looked very weak and pitiful, and said hurriedly, "I'm going out too."

Zhifei smiled.

Guo Huaijin quickly went out and said to Sheng Yurou: "Yurou..."

Sheng Yurou walked faster and faster, Guo Huaijin took her arm and said, "Yurou..."

Sheng Yurou stopped and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Mr. Guo, for causing you trouble. Let you quarrel with Miss Jian for me."

"Don't say that." Guo Huaijin said, "It's okay, that money, if I said to help you pay it back, I will definitely help you pay it back. Didn't Jian Zhifei ask you to write the IOU? I will transfer the money to you."

"No, no, Mr. Guo, I don't want our pure friendship to be tainted by money. I think I can afford the money myself." Sheng Yurou said hurriedly, "You have helped me so much, and I am really grateful. Yes. Mr. Guo, you are so kind."

Guo Huaijin felt sorry for her even more, and said, "This is a check. You take it first. I know you need it for orphans and widows."

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