Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1400: Peace of mind

He comfortably enjoyed the benefits that belonged to the two women.

"Yurou, you go back first. Contact tomorrow." Guo Huaijin finally remembered that Zhifei was still seeing the customer.

Sheng Yurou reluctantly said: "Will you call me when you go back?"

"Yes." Guo Huaijin nodded and touched her cheek, "You go back first, be good."

Sheng Yurou blushed and went back contentedly.

When Guo Huaijin returned to the private room, Zhifei said softly, "Why do you go so long?"

"It's okay, I smoked a cigarette." Guo Huaijin smiled and said, "How are things going?"

"It's almost done. I sent the client away and went home." Zhifei stood up and sent away the client.

Guo Huaijin smiled and said, "Aren't you going out to have some supper?"

"Forget it, I have to deal with this contract and send it to the customer as soon as possible. There are still a lot of things tonight." Zhifei glanced at the time, but tonight is busy again.

"Do you need my help?"

"Are you free?" Zhifei asked profoundly.

Guo Huaijin wanted to help, but thought that if she was with Zhifei, she wouldn’t be able to call Sheng Yurou, so she said, “I’m going to see my sister tonight, maybe I’m not free. Zhifei, give me more work tomorrow, I’ll come. Please help."

"Good." Zhifei walked to the underground parking lot.

Guo Huaijin looked at her watch frequently, and she said, "You have to leave first, I will take a taxi myself."

Guo Huaijin smiled and said, "Well, I'll go first, and you can take a taxi back. Good night."

He left in a hurry, actually he didn't drink tonight.

Zhifei tries not to drink as much as she can when negotiating contracts with clients. She is very capable and has a good level of business. Clients do not insist.

Guo Huaijin didn't drink it naturally, but he still felt that the anti-alcohol medicine Sheng Yurou bought for himself was very useful.

At least, it satisfied his man's self-esteem.

Zhifei sneered as he watched him leave and was about to call for a car. Suddenly, a tall figure appeared, and the cast shadow almost enveloped her.

"Jian Zhifei." A familiar voice sounded.

It was Mo Chenyi who knew it was not calm.

Jingzhou City is so big that she hasn't met him in a long time.

But it is also very small, otherwise, why would you encounter it here?

"Yi Shao, hello." Zhifei greeted with a smile.

"Didn't drive here?" Mo Chenyi asked. He was extraordinarily tall. Even if he was of this height, standing in front of him in high heels, he felt a little pressure.

Zhifei smiled: "No, go out for a taxi right away."

"Get in my car. I have something to tell you." Mo Chenyi said in a deep voice.

Jian Zhifei no longer trusts Guo Huaijin, even more so for other men.

People who have grown up together for more than ten years, even so, let alone other men?

She shook her head: "Yi Shao, I have called a car, so I won't bother you."

"I have something to look for you." Mo Chenyi's voice became colder, "I am a detective."

The implication is that he will not pose any threat to her at all.

Jian Zhifei sighed helplessly, and said, "Well, Young Master Yi, let's talk about it here. I don't want to delay you too much time."

She had indeed been born to death with Mo Chenyi, and they were considered friends.

But once he realized that he had feelings for her, Jian Zhifei flinched.

It was because she already had a fiancé herself, and she knew what a safe distance a woman with a fiancé should keep from other men.

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