This is a lot of expense, even with Guo Huaijin's income, it can't be supported.

In fact, it's not that he can't afford it. It's because his roots are still shallow, that is, he has only really earned income this year. To fill that bottomless pit, he naturally needs more money.

Zhifei asked the secretary to give Guo Huaijin money.

The secretary's expression was a little strange, and he stopped talking, and said, "Miss Jian...Actually, do you really know that there is rumors outside?"

"Since you know that it's rumors, it's a matter of no real hammer. Don't talk nonsense about things that have no basis." Zhifei knows what she wants to say and what she wants to remind herself.

She secretly remembered in her heart that this secretary is a usable person.

But she won't tear her face with Guo Huaijin, now is not the time.

As for the money, it will naturally be counted on Guo Huaijin's head in the future.

Zhifei has never made a loss-making business. She knows what she is doing better than anyone else.

The secretary thought she trusted Guo Huaijin very much. As a secretary, she didn't have much to say, so she had to act as she knew.

Guo Huaijin took Sheng Yurou to see Sister Guo. The gentle Sheng Yurou served tea, poured water, and took care of her with care. Naturally, Sister Guo was full of praise for her.

Compared to Jian Zhifei, who doesn't touch anything every time she comes over, Sister Guo obviously prefers Sheng Yurou.

It may be due to the generous life that Sister Guo has long forgotten that the medical expenses in the past few years have been subsidized by her own money.

Her nurse was hired carefully by Zhifei, and her VIP intensive care unit was also obtained by Zhifei using her own relationship.

Guo Huaijin was also very moved to see Sheng Yurou taking care of her sister.

Remembering that Zhifei always came to sit for a while and left, Guo Huaijin felt that Sheng Yurou was like a lovely angel, which greatly satisfied his man's self-esteem.

He wanted Zhifei to come and see his sister.

Zhifei refused on the phone, and she still had a contract that she hadn't dealt with. The secretary also said that a client asked her to talk about new winter clothes in the evening.

I know I have to be too busy.

However, she still specially arranged for someone to buy supplements and flowers to the hospital.

But obviously, both Guo Huaijin and Guo Jie felt that compared with Sheng Yurou, they knew that the wrong was too high, and even they were reluctant to come in person.

Zhifei never thought of getting their gratitude.

She did this just to make them regret it thoroughly and cry with regret when they remembered her in the future.

In the evening, Zhifei changed his clothes and went to the client's appointment.

The client tonight is said to be a well-known company in the clothing industry. They have taken a fancy to Zhifei's design and want to seek cooperation. Their sincerity for cooperation is very strong.

Zhifei dressed up carefully and took a taxi to the hotel.

When she opened the private room, she was taken aback.

Because obviously did not expect that the so-called customer sitting in the private room turned out to be Mo Chenyi.

Zhi Fei's brows suddenly frowned, but she was not angry or angry, but went straight to Mo Chenyi.

"Miss Jian, Yang Yang." Mo Chenyi didn't seem to know this arrangement at all, and stretched out his hand.

Jian Zhifei said indifferently: "If I remember correctly, Mr. Mo is now the captain of the Interpol team. Why are you interested in doing a small business like ours?"

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