Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1415: Happy to see it

Knowing that the corners of his lips were raised, it was very pleasant.

For everything about Guo Huaijin and Sheng Yurou, she is happy to see it happen.

Guo Huaijin heard that the court had already made a verdict and knew that the matter was irreversible.

Even if Zhifei wanted to fight for him, he lost his best opportunity.

He lowered his head dejectedly, tearing his hair with both hands.

Although the compensation was Mr. Wang’s business this time, Mr. Wang would still trouble him afterwards.

Zhifei asked softly: "Huaijin, when you first saw those designs, you didn't realize that those designs look like my usual style?"

Guo Huaijin's shoulders trembled. He has been with Zhifei for many years. How can he not know the style of Zhifei?

In fact, when Sheng Yurou took the things out, he had already discovered that it was Sheng Yurou's plagiarism.

It's just that he didn't point it, and didn't want to point it. He just wanted to use the two women's contributions to himself without any guilt.

How could he fail to see the design of right and wrong?

Knowing his little movements, Zhifei already knew his heart was clear, that it was her design, but he still wanted to use it.

He must have thought that as long as he used it in advance, he would definitely not trouble him again.

Zhifei slightly hooked her lips, but fortunately, she let Jianlin handle these things early in the morning, and now she doesn't need to come forward in person in a lawsuit, just wait for Mr. Wang to lose money and Guo Huaijin will suffer.

Guo Huaijin, his greed will hurt himself sooner or later.

Zhifei didn't say anything, picked up the coffee, slowly moved the spoon, and tasted it gently.

Guo Huaijin raised her head and looked at her with red eyes: "Zhifei, you help me again."

"Huaijin, what do you need me to do?" Zhifei looked at him pretending to be concerned.

"You help me, after this time, my business is definitely more difficult to do. I need a good design draft, and I also need money. You can definitely help me." Guo Huaijin shouted, full of earnestness, and he was flustered. Earth wanted to grasp Zhifei's hand, but Zhifei avoided it.

With a frustrated expression on his face, he said, "Knowledge, only you can help me."

"It's not that I don't help you. I signed a contract with other companies and need a lot of design drafts. I can't support so much by myself. I can do my best for things with money. Huai Jin, I'm sorry. There is not so much time and money to take out now." Zhifei said softly, looking very sincere, but he had already despised him in his heart.

Guo Huaijin stood up angrily: "Jian Zhifei, do you want to get into trouble? At this time, you say you don't help me?"

"Huaijin, it's not that I don't help you. Whether it's money or design drafts, I need time. Your incident is so sudden, I didn't prepare..." Zhifei shook his head painfully, looking very helpless.

Guo Huaijin said annoyedly: "I knew that you looked down on me at all. Now I have something wrong, are you satisfied, right? Jian Zhifei, I really saw you wrong."

Guo Huaijin became a little angry.

He is now facing a huge trouble, this trouble, he could have avoided, it is he himself step by step into the trouble.

Blaming someone else for the mistake will make him feel better.

After he finished speaking, he slammed the door and left, looking very angry, leaving only a back view of Zhifei.

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