Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1422: You can't keep money and life

Hearing what she said, Mo Chenyi stood up suddenly and said angrily: "Sheng Yurou, where did you take the knowledge? How is she now? Believe it or not, I can send you to prison just by your words, Endless catastrophe?"

Sheng Yurou hurriedly smiled and said: "Yi Shao, don't get angry. I definitely didn't hurt Jian Zhifei. I can't afford the consequences. If Yi Shao really doesn't want this opportunity, then forget it... Then Just wait for Guo Huaijin and Jian Zhifei to get back together in a few days, and I will be alone, and you will be alone.”

Mo Chenyi took out his pen, quickly signed a check, threw it in front of Sheng Yurou, and said coldly, "This is fifty million. But Sheng Yurou, this is not to pay for you and your scheming, nor is it to pay for Guo Huaijin. With fifty million, stay away from Zhifei. If you let me know that you have contact with Zhifei, money and fate, you will not be able to keep it."

Sheng Yurou trembled with fright. She knew very well that neither she nor Guo Huaijin could offend Mo Chenyi. Mo Chenyi's words were not a simple threat, he was capable of doing it.

Now the reason why he still didn't hit her and Guo Huaijin cruelly was because he knew that he still loved Guo Huaijin.

Sheng Yurou picked up the check and said, "Don't worry, we will stay away from Jian Zhifei in the future."

After speaking, she put down the hotel room card, turned around and left in a hurry.

Mo Chenyi took the hotel room card and found that the hotel was not far away. He immediately went over and found the room where Jian Zhifei was.

This Guo Huaijin and Sheng Yurou are really hateful, they treat Jian Zhifei like this.

But what he hates more now is that Jian Zhifei still thinks of Guo Huaijin. Is her love for him so deep?

Mo Chenyi opened the door of the room and saw Jian Zhifei on the big bed. Her clothes were a bit messy, her hair was messy, and her cheeks were flushed. She didn't know how many methods Sheng Yurou took to bring her here. of.

It's really hateful.

He reached out and touched her flushed cheeks. She was very hot all over, but she babbled unconsciously. It seemed that the amount of medicine Sheng Yurou gave her was not light.

She bit her lips, her blushing lips were biting like bleeding.

Even in an unconscious state, her beauty is thrilling, her fair skin is stained with blush, and her figure is impeccably perfect.

Mo Chenyi shook off his clothes, lowered his head, raised her head, and kissed him.

Every time I kissed her, I was suffocated by this sweetness, but when I thought that there was only Guo Huaijin in her heart and not him, Mo Chenyi would be tortured by this crazy jealousy.

He has been waiting for her during this period of time, waiting for her to think carefully about breaking up with that scumbag.

But it has not waited.

Mo Chenyi suffered during this period of time, but she was not much less than her.

He produced so much evidence to prove that Guo Huaijin's derailment was nothing more than a silly trick in her opinion.

Isn't she still reluctant to wake up until now, when her company is closed and she was sold to his bed?

Mo Chenyi felt very moved when he thought of this.

If she is really so obsessed, then he can only let things happen naturally.

He held her face and looked at her cheek that was tortured by the drug, she bit her lip impatiently.

He kissed her and tore off her clothes.

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