Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1433: Don't hit anyone

When Sheng Yurou was about to leave, someone ridiculed: "Give back the child's magnet."

"Yeah, you can't afford to buy diamonds, so don't you let it go?"

Sheng Yurou had to turn around, took off the magnet, and threw it at Xiaobai fiercely. Knowing that Fei hurriedly protected Xiaobai, she was not hit.

Zhifei was originally watching a good show just now, and didn't intend to be familiar with Sheng Yurou. Now that she was hitting a child, she got angry, stood up and grabbed Sheng Yurou's hand and said, "Sheng Yurou, apologize to Xiaobai!"

"I didn't hit him again. Why would I apologize to him?" Sheng Yurou was also stiff, still pretending to be pitiful, and it seemed that the wrong things were done right or wrong.

"Well, since your Sheng family didn't teach you how to be a human being, I will teach you." Zhifei slapped her.

Sheng Yurou suddenly quarreled: "Jian Zhifei, why are you hitting me?"

"You bully the children." Zhifei said lightly. She was generous, her eyebrows filled with heroic spirit, and she was very pleased. She swept the audience for a week.

Everyone around said: "Yeah, you bully the little child and don't hit anyone? If it wasn't for me to be uncomfortable with women, I would slap you in the face."

Sheng Yurou was ashamed and angry.

Zhifei grabbed her hand and said, "Bring me back the magnet."

"I won't pick it up. A piece of magnet is worth something." Sheng Yurou still had a hardened mouth.

She threw the magnet just now and fell into the trash can.

Zhifei is taller than Sheng Yurou, and is also more agile than her, holding her hand and pressing it into the trash can.

Sheng Yurou burst into tears, seeming to be greatly wronged.

"Take it out if you find it, and keep crying if you don't find you." Zhifei didn't give in at all. This woman treated her again and again, she had never directly tore her, this time just found the opportunity, knowing Teach her so that she doesn't even know her, even if she loses.

Sheng Yurou was crying and howling, clutching the trash can, very uncomfortable, but she was forced to find the magnet.

"Wash it clean to Xiaobai, and then apologize, I assume this didn't happen." Zhifei let go of her hand fiercely.

The people around looked at Sheng Yurou with a playful look, knowing that Fei obviously did something they wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

Sheng Yurou cried and went to the bathroom to wash the magnet, then took it out and gave it to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai took it and looked at Zhifei's eyes, all at once all worship.

"Okay, let's go. Don't be upset by the crying in front of me." Zhifei sat down with some ice cream that was about to melt away.

Sheng Yurou was about to leave, and Guo Huaijin came in.

Seeing Sheng Yurou crying out of breath, he immediately rushed over and said, "Yurou, what's the matter?"

Ever since Sheng Yurou helped him raise a sum of money last time, he has cherished Sheng Yurou very much. He feels that Sheng Yurou treats him best at critical moments and sees people in critical moments.

What Sheng Yurou is best at is crying sobbingly while not saying anything.

Guo Huaijin's gaze swept across the cognizant who was eating ice cream, the self-consciousness of cognition, and the natural beauty of his facial features, one could not ignore it.

But Guo Huaijin is so angry, knowing that Fei dare to bully Sheng Yurou blatantly?

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