Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1645: It still doesn't match

However, Yan Manqing immediately reacted: "Then, what should I do? If she really is Yueyue and Ruirui's biological mother, then her status in the Ming family will be even higher, even if she is not the right one. In the future, the relationship with A-Leng will definitely be indispensable. Mom, if they act on the spot, I will forget it, but for a long time, I can’t accept it."

"You wait there, drag Aleng. I will send someone to deal with it immediately." Yan Mu said.

Yan Manqing was relieved. Her parents were not ordinary people who were able to mix in Jingzhou City to the present position. It must be very simple and convenient to help her solve this kind of crisis.

But no matter what, Yan Manqing still didn't want Lin Motong to be Yueyue and Ruirui's biological mother.

In that case, Lin Motong has too much involvement with the Ming family, which is far beyond her ability to accept, she absolutely does not want to have such a time bomb in her life.

Yan Mu had guessed right. What Dr. Zhuo Leng asked to do for Lin Motong tomorrow night was to pair up with Rui Rui's DNA.

He noticed the abnormality shown by Lin Motong, and rushed back non-stop to let Doctor Zhuo do an examination.

The reason why it is impossible to tell anyone else, even Lin Motong did not verify it. First, the verification itself is meaningless. She may not remember it. Second, regardless of the result of the verification, Dr. Zhuo’s examination is required. It made sense, telling other people including her, in case it was found out at that time, but it was not, it was unnecessary for someone who didn't care to know about Yueyue and Ruirui's life experience.

Dr. Zhuo is one of the most trusted doctors Ming Ye Leng, and his examination results are credible.

Dr. Zhuo injected Lin Motong with medicine and asked her to come out and wait, and he checked it in the hospital.

The people sent by Yan’s mother soon arrived, dressed in a special doctor’s costume, and soon arrived at the research room where Dr. Zhuo was located, and said to Dr. Zhuo: “Dr. Zhuo, the patient in the ICU, there is a situation that needs you. Consultation in the past."

Dr. Zhuo turned his head and said, "Okay, tell him I will be there in ten minutes."

In the few seconds before he turned his head, someone had secretly adjusted his verification method.

Everything was done in the process without knowing it, even Doctor Zhuo himself did not notice any abnormality.

Someone left.

Dr. Zhuo looked at the pairing progress bar on the desktop. After ten minutes, the progress bar was completed and the result showed: "No match."

"Sure enough, it still doesn't match." Doctor Zhuo shook his head and said.

He printed the results and walked out.

Lin Motong stood up: "Doctor Zhuo."

"You're all right, just a bit of motion sickness and dissatisfaction, go back soon." Doctor Zhuo said with a smile.

Lin Motong smiled: "I also know that I'm okay, I'm taking your time, Doctor Zhuo, thank you."

"Yeah." Dr. Zhuo walked with her to the cold car tomorrow night.

"How?" Mingye's cold voice was always calm, but there was a little more expectation.

Dr. Zhuo lowered his head and said in his ear: "Master, there is no match."

The bright color in Ming Ye Leng's eyes instantly became dim.

Doctor Zhuo wittyly said nothing, and did not bother him any more.

Lin Motong glanced at Ming Ye Leng, wondering what they were talking about mysteriously?

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