Jian Fei and Jian Si's parents died young. They have been supporting themselves. Finally they can earn money when they grow up and go to work, but they don't have much savings. How could Lin Motong be willing to let them pool together?

"Go ahead, I'll accompany my mother here." Lin Motong said softly.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Jian Fei and Jian Si had to go out first.

Jian Si couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Tongtong and Auntie are really pitiful too. In the past few years, Tongtong has not only stopped her studies, but also spent a lot of money. She thought her aunt would get better, who knows that... "

Jian Fei looked up at the laboratory: "I don't know if my **** will match, the result will come out tomorrow. If it matches, I will donate it to my aunt."

"Brother you..." Jane looked at her eldest brother in disbelief.

"Don't worry, I won't make a random decision. What's more, the doctor said, even if you only have one kidney, you can live well. Donate one to your aunt, what's wrong?" Jian Fei laughed, showing a row of white teeth. .

Jian Fei's thoughts about Lin Motong, Jian Si has always known.

She looked at Jian Fei: "Brother, wait until tomorrow to see the result."



Aunt Qin brought the food to the table, and said softly to Ming Ye Leng: "Master, there is something in Hitomi's family that needs her to be busy. She has asked for leave. I will take care of Yueyue and Ruirui in the evening."

Ming Ye nodded coldly, indicating that he knew.

Rui Rui asked, "Where did Hitomi go? When will he be back?"

"Should go to the hospital, her mother..." Aunt Qin wanted to explain coldly to Ming Ye.

Before she could finish her sentence, Ming Ye Leng cut off her words: "I see, you can go to work."

Aunt Qin thought that Mingye Leng was just too lazy to care about the whereabouts of the maid, so naturally she wouldn't talk too much, bowed her head and walked out.

"Daddy, Aunt Qin hasn't said when Tongtong will be back." Rui Rui said softly.

"When she should come back, she will naturally come back." Ming Ye coldly thought of the boy in the hospital, the one who seemed to be intimate with Lin Motong, with a cold expression.

Yueyue and Ruirui hurriedly bowed their heads to eat.


Yan Manqing sat in the car, sitting with her mother, watching Lin Motong break into the hospital, and then walked out of the doctor's office with a look of despair.

Yan Manqing looked at her mother in admiration: "Mom, this is a great way to make Lin Motong pregnant with A Leng's child, but you can also prevent anyone else from knowing. In the end, this silly girl has to thank someone. She was given a chance to save her mother."

"This matter is related to the reputation of our Yan family. I have urged everyone to do the matter meticulously and not to leak the slightest noise." Yan Mu said, holding the steering wheel.

In order not to divulge secrets, she has been driving by herself these few days, and she has not even had a person to accompany her. She has the reputation to enjoy the separate lives of mother and daughter with her daughter. Naturally, no one suspects.

Yan Manqing whispered, "Lin Motong's mother is sick..."

"Naturally, the doctor injected her with cancer cells. Otherwise, logically, she should be discharged from the hospital in these two days." Yan Mu said coldly.

Yan Manqing suddenly covered the position of the heart: "Injected with cancer cells... Then she will definitely die from cancer in the future, but we just made up things like ****, meaning that Mother Lin must die? "

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