Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1668: Mother died

what happened?

What happened?

Lin Motong was panicked. They said that the patient who donated the kidney had only three months of life. As soon as he passed away, he would immediately operate on his mother.

But now she has been pregnant for three months, plus there is still time to get pregnant before, three months have passed.

But the mother has become no news.

Lin Motong glanced at the nurse who looked after her coldly, knowing that it was useless to ask her.

She would definitely not let herself go.

She can only wait for the right time.

It took Lin Motong a few days to finally figure out how they came to check her body.

Every day the nurse will come at a fixed time, three times in the morning and noon. After each time she comes, she will leave in half an hour.

There are cleaning and cooking people in the villa, but they are all honest and ordinary people. They are all required to talk to Lin Motong, and are not allowed to reveal anything to Lin Motong.

After figuring out the rules, Lin Motong secretly ran out of the back yard when it was dark one night, then avoided everyone else, ran out of the villa and onto the road.

She ran a long way before she found a car. She was going to hitchhiking to the hospital.

The driver was taken aback: "Why do you live so far away, this lady? It will take at least three hours to get to the hospital at this time."

"It doesn't matter, I'm going in a hurry. When I get to the place, I can give you money." Lin Motong said immediately.

The driver said, "Okay, but it doesn't matter if you are wearing maternity clothes, right? If it matters, don't have an accident in my car."

"It doesn't matter, I am in good health." Lin Motong said hurriedly. The maternity clothes are required by the doctors and nurses here.

Although her lower abdomen is still very flat, she is always pregnant with maternity clothes.

The driver was kind enough, and in the agreed time, she was finally sent to the hospital.

Lin Motong hurriedly thanked him, ran off the car, and went straight to her mother's ward.

There is no mother in the room.

She hurriedly wanted to go to the doctor to ask for more information, grabbed a few nurses, and wanted to ask about her mother's situation. The nurses shook their heads repeatedly to show that they didn't know.

"Tongtong! You are finally back!" Jian Si rushed to Lin Motong and grabbed her hand.

"Jane Si, Jane Si, where is my mother?" Lin Motong grabbed her hand and asked again and again.

Jian Si reproached: "Lin Motong, where did you go? Do you know? A few days ago, my aunt was very ill, with liver cancer, kidney disease, and all kinds of diseases. The doctor had rescued for a long time, but there was no way. ."

As Jane said, she couldn’t help crying: “I’m calling your cell phone, but it’s turned off all the time, calling the number you usually call me, and it’s totally unreachable. Auntie really wanted to see you at that time, she kept reading With your name, my brother also looked for you everywhere. But he couldn’t find you at all. You said where did you go? Why is this? At that time, I saw my auntie and hugged her happily. I cried for a while. Lin Motong, where did you go?"

When Lin Motong heard these words, her heart was cut like a knife, and she backed away in disbelief, until she hit the wall, she grabbed the place of her heart, tears fell, but her heart was so painful that she couldn't make a sound.

Seeing how hurt she was, Jane knew that she was saying too much.

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