Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1674: Somewhat credible

But this time, Lin Motong did not show up in the hospital, nor did he go to find Jian Si and Jian Fei.

The nurse panicked and looked everywhere, but Lin Motong was not seen.

Where did she do such a big thing? If the blame comes down from above, she must die.

Around this villa, there was a cliff. The nurse was cruel and reported to her: "Lin Motong escaped, fell into the cliff, and fell dead."

She also knew that since Lin Motong had escaped, she would definitely not dare to show up at will, so how could the people above who sit in the high-rise buildings know that Lin Motong is still alive?

Yan Mu received the news, Lin Motong fell to death, and asked: "Where is that wicked species?"

"Lin Motong fell to death, and wherever the evil seed survived, he also fell to death."

Yan Mu was very satisfied, as long as these two scourges died, there would be no problem.

From then on, everything belongs to Yan Manqing.

Yan Mu hurried to the presidential palace.

Mingyu and Yun Lan are very polite to her now.

Yun Lan smiled and said, "Why didn't Manqing come over?"

"Man Qing is raising a fetus. The doctor told her not to run around." Mother Yan said with a smile, "But...Mrs. Ming, I really have something to tell you now."

"What is it? You might as well just say it." Yun Lan said with a smile. She has always maintained a good attitude and has a kind attitude.

Mother Yan said, "I never knew how to speak about this matter. In fact, it was my fault, but now that it happened, I will not hide it from you..."

"What the **** is going on, just say it straight. There is nothing hidden in our two families." Yun Lan smiled.

"Actually, Rui Rui's mother was already dead..." said Yan Mu.

"What!" Yun Lan suddenly stood up, "She's dead? What about Rui Rui? Don't you always say that she is alive and pregnant well?"

Mingyu supported Yun Lan, but his expression was not good, but his emotions were not as direct as Yun Lan.

"Mrs. Ming, don't be anxious, listen to me." Yan Mu said immediately, "This is what happened. This mother, she is not in good health. Only this time the embryo was transplanted into her body, and she contracted cancer. The doctor tried his best to rescue him, but there was no way. But fortunately, there was still a good embryo at that time. At that time, we thought that saving Ruirui was important, so we put the embryo in Manqing’s belly. In fact, Manqing was pregnant in her belly. This child of A Leng is entirely the blood of A Leng and that woman, which means that after the child is born, Rui Rui can be saved."

Yun Lan shook his head and said, "Then how credible what you are saying now? How unreliable? Mrs. Yan, I have always believed in you and treated Man Qing as my own daughter. What you did this time , I have always trusted with all my heart, and I have never managed it. But you change your opinion again and again, and I will ask you which one is credible!"

Yun Lan lost his temper, and Mrs. Yan had expected that this time the Presidential Palace and Yun Lan had always treated the Yan family very well, tolerating them everywhere, and giving in in every possible way, in order to prevent Rui Rui from going wrong.

Mrs. Yan changed her words again and again, let alone Yun Lan, she is a native of a bit of mud, so there is no reason to doubt it!

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